i cant wake up after every dream using an alarm clock because it will wake the whole house up and il get knackered, is just keeping dream diary evry morning ok?
Yeah sure, that’s what I do!!
That is what i do too!
hey sd dus it take loadsa practice to get an ld?
Depends… some people get them in days and others in months, but it needs practice to keep having them. I got one the first day but now I haven’t had one in a week
[color=darkblue]Even with practice, I find LD’s can be inconsistant and my dream recall seems to come in flushes. Sometimes, when I don’t try to LD at all, I get one out of the blue.
I don’t think you should be waking yourself up at night to try LDing. Like you said, this will only make you tired, which at your age you really shouldn’t be doing. That’s my patronising rant out of the way.[/color]
Good luck anyway…
Lastnight was night 5 and i had my first LD, but the thing is, it was as clear as RD, it was cool but i didnt like it for i didnt have COMEPLETE control over what i was doing.
Been there, done that!! It’s completely normal for the first time. After you practice, LDs will be as clear as RL and you will have controll over everything!
I hope so, i hope i at least have one or two LDs a week! and when i get good and when i get bored of flying i want to scare DC, lol, i will be the monster, instead of them being the monster! HAHA!
Lol, I will trick the DC. I will give them a dollar bill then turn it into flames!!LOL And i wil also try many things been a day or so since my first 2 LD 's