I cant seem to controll my imagination. People say to picture yourself flying or doing somthing but my mind hinders it. If i picture my self flying usually i am pulled to the ground or fly in circles and cant help it. If i picture a car driving down a road then my mind forces it to turn on a road that just apeared and it hard to get it to not turn.
If i try to picture a farris wheel slowly turning my mind makes it spin rediculously fast and i have to visualize my hands grabbing it and slowing it down.
Does this happen to anyone else or is my mind just screwed up.
Its been doing this since i was 6 or younger and now im 15. I dont think i have any nuerological disorders and im not medicated, lol. what’s the deal?
I would suggest not trying to force it just relax and imagine it happening if it doesn’t do what you want it than just relax and imagine it doing what you want.
This happens to me every single time I try to visualise something or control an element in a dream. Say I wanted to visualise myself walking down the street. I take a few steps and BAM i trip on a huge log or whatever. If I try to imagine a happy person, I see a sad person and vice versa. If I want to imagine a person standing completely still, he’ll be running around the place doing cartwheels the moment I start trying.
It’s almost as if my imagination is out to get me… I can only think of one reason for why this happens; it might be because of your negative expectations of what will happen once you try to take control of a thought or mental image. You’re instinctively afraid of your own imagination butting in. So if that is the case, then I guess the only remedy would be to change your own expectations. Same goes for LDs, I suppose.
dont try to force the visualization to do something to correct itself, just completely ignore that the bad thing happened, and go on visualising the thing that you want to. Lather rinse and repeat…
Oh, I thought it was my personal bug… I feel relieved…
Every time I try to imagine a pen writing letters, it begins to make small circles at every turn, and I have to use all my will to stop this twirling. I think it’s somehow synchronized with the heartbeat, but I’m not sure.
I had that before. Like you, I attempted to control it by trying to “grab the wheel”. It wasn’t really working out the way I want it to be. Eventually, I learned that it’s the best if I go with the flow. It is more creativity that way.
And still to this day, I have never regretted it!
So try it… go with the flow. A bit paradox, but you might find that by doing that… you have more control over your visualizating skills!
i have 3 stars now! lol, thanks for the tips, now i don’t feel screwed up. i kept thinking back to when i was little and i hit my head, lol, brain damage. phewww