I have been trying to LD. I can’t. I’ve done everything, help!
It would be nice if you could give more details about your problem. Be patient and keep trying hard. Experiment and play around with different techniques and combinations. You’ll find something that works for you. You can lucid dream.
Yes, more information please
What methods have you tried? How long have you been attempting to lucid dream?
Everyone can lucid dream, but generally, if you think you can’t then it won’t happen. You gotta stay positive!
I would recommend MILD as a starting technique.
It is a very natural way to induce lucid dreams, and is also really deep and involves many important steps.
Check this site for information on how Stephen LaBerge, the man who created the technique, recommends you to do it.
Hi, I recommend you WBTB ! It’s the best thing for succes a RL ! (sorry im not english)
What exactly did you try to do? for how long?
How many dreams do you remember each night? at what clarity?
Do you make sure to document all these dreams in a Dream Journal?
After you answer these simple questions, it may be possible to help you out…