I DID IT!!!!!!!! Did I?

Well, I had my first possible Lucid Dream last night.

At first, I was floating through some portal, through some empty space (this part is a bit hazy to say for sure what I was doing).

When I emerged, I was in some other house, not mine. I felt this distinct difference in myself. I looked down at my hands and realized, “I AM DREAMING!” I started to lose lucidity immediately from the shock, but I stabalized it somehow. I walked into the kitchen of this new house and tried to pour a glass of water. But when I picked the glass up, it was filling ITSELF. It started to overflow and I set it down.

I walked outside onto the balcony, and it was a beautifully sunny day, and a huge grass field below with various people outside playing. I took flight immediately (of course) and flew around a bit.

When I landed, I decided to test my ‘powers’ and decided I wanted to be in a city, so I moved my hands in an upward direction (from the ground) and suddenly these huge structures started driving out of the ground. Around here is where I lose lucidity and the dream becomes really abstract and fuzzy.

So…did I have a lucid dream? Was it false? My main gripe is its not as easy to recall as it was when I first woke from it, just like any dream. Are lucid dreams supposed to be easier to remember?

I definately feel in my heart this was the beginnings to a Lucid Dream. The ‘portal’ I moved through felt like something I was supposed to do. When I arrived to the destination, I almost immediately felt the change. Perhaps this was my entrance to the world of Lucidity, a taste of things to come? I can only hope.

I do know I fell asleep repeating my ‘mantra’: “I will lucid dream, I will wake up in my dream, I will remember my dream.”


Yep, thats a lucid dream :tongue:
Make sure you write down every thing you can remember about it… While LDs are much clearer and easyer to remember than your standard dreams, details will become unclear over time, just like in external reality.
Its not abnormal to lose lucidity especially on the first few. My first lucid dream was really cool, and then I met this alien race that sold volleyballs and ski equipment… I guess that plot line was too engaging for me, and I went back into to unawareness. :smile:

Since then I haven’t had any really long lucid dreams, (only like 4 or 5 LDs total) so I can’t say if lucidity is easier to sustain with experience, but logic says it is.

Again congratulations!

  • feed_my_BRAIN

That’s a definite LD, from the sound of it.

Your memories of LD’s will fade with time, except for salient details, so make sure to write it down if you want to remember it in more detail later. I’ve found that LD’s I have right before waking up are easier to remember than LD’s that fade out into a non-lucid dream.

I think the reason your dream became fuzzy and unstable is because you tried to do something too big. Even though you are technically omnipotent, there are limits–the more you use your imagination in the dream, the less focus you have on what you’re seeing and hearing, and that makes it less stable. By contrast, if you stare at something in the dream, it becomes more vivid and life-like.

Changing the entire scenery is difficult, especially if you want the changes to occur right before your eyes. Buildings are definitely big to build! :grin:

However, I use a method of changing the setting that helps a bit–walk through a wall and into the darkness. As you continue walking through the darkness, think about what you want to see (the less specific, the better), and when the dream re-materializes, your setting will change. Sometimes it’s what you want, sometimes not. But you can always try again.

A word of advice on walking through walls–don’t stick your hands out toward them. Your body is too used to touching solid objects with your hands. Simply walk forward. Your body has much less experience walking straight into flat surfaces, so you shouldn’t have any problem walking through a wall.

You guys are awesome.

I’ve noticed my dream awareness becoming sharper since I’ve started to re-immerse myself in dreams and dream theory. For example, on Sunday morning, when I woke up, I was in that state of drifting in and out of sleep (my friend woke up early and was playing the Xbox, so it kept me awake somewhat). But there was that fine-line between being awake and dreaming where I got stuck a few times. At first, I’d be lying there listening to the sounds of the Xbox, sometimes turning over or moving. The next moment, I’d be in a room full of people, discussing death scenes in Movies and seeing them acted out before me like I had a TV in my head. Very cool.

Then the next night, I had this lucid dream. I really think its the music I am playing too, I’ve been playing nothing buy various Ambient like Aphex Twin and Brian Eno, and when I do sleep, I just drive the mantra into my head. :smile: Thanks guys!