Well, I had my first possible Lucid Dream last night.
At first, I was floating through some portal, through some empty space (this part is a bit hazy to say for sure what I was doing).
When I emerged, I was in some other house, not mine. I felt this distinct difference in myself. I looked down at my hands and realized, “I AM DREAMING!” I started to lose lucidity immediately from the shock, but I stabalized it somehow. I walked into the kitchen of this new house and tried to pour a glass of water. But when I picked the glass up, it was filling ITSELF. It started to overflow and I set it down.
I walked outside onto the balcony, and it was a beautifully sunny day, and a huge grass field below with various people outside playing. I took flight immediately (of course) and flew around a bit.
When I landed, I decided to test my ‘powers’ and decided I wanted to be in a city, so I moved my hands in an upward direction (from the ground) and suddenly these huge structures started driving out of the ground. Around here is where I lose lucidity and the dream becomes really abstract and fuzzy.
So…did I have a lucid dream? Was it false? My main gripe is its not as easy to recall as it was when I first woke from it, just like any dream. Are lucid dreams supposed to be easier to remember?
I definately feel in my heart this was the beginnings to a Lucid Dream. The ‘portal’ I moved through felt like something I was supposed to do. When I arrived to the destination, I almost immediately felt the change. Perhaps this was my entrance to the world of Lucidity, a taste of things to come? I can only hope.
I do know I fell asleep repeating my ‘mantra’: “I will lucid dream, I will wake up in my dream, I will remember my dream.”