I Dreamed that i was dreaming and became lucid in that dream

I havn’t had a lucid dream from a year and a bit now. i kind of gave myself a rest and for the last 6 months or so i have been thinking about lucid dreaming and trying WILD.
Today i kind of nodded of in the lounge room after i had been running around all day.
i could feel myself going to sleep so i decided to go to my bedroom for a nap. I dont nap very often but now i might take it up.

Anyway i fell alseep easily with my dog sleeping on top of me. I dont know if i was dreaming but the only part i remember is getting vibrations. I was dreaming that i was getting vibrations. I hate these vibrations so much. I always try and get out of it but it seems to kind of ‘pull me back’. So i had these vibrations and became lucid. it was a low lucitidy. I was moving around and touching things but soon after (about 10 secons) it wore off and i woke up. I was still lucid though. I had woken up from my dreams dream. So i was still lucid and got up and ran to the lounge room and started thinking… was i sleeping in the lounge room or did i get up and sleep in my bedroom?? I then looked outside and point at it with both hand and said RED to see if i could turn the sky red. I then ran to the other window to see if it had turned red but i had woken up and did an RC to realize i was in RL.

I thought it was weird becoming lucid in a dreams dream.
I also hate it that my lds are so short! i cant seem to lengthen them. I dont get that many to enjoy them.

Don’t quote me on this but I am pretty sure that Dr. Stephen Laberge (the formost on Lucid Dreaming) coined a term for waht you experienced. Its called a “False Lucid Dream”. Again I may be wrong but thats what I remember reading in EWLD years back.

I must intervene! I read nothing that made me think ‘false lucid dream’. A dream within a dream is nothing strange. To become lucid in it is not strange either. Doesn’t matter if you dreamt that you fell asleep and started dreaming before you got lucid.

lol… did you read a different message and then respond on the wrong post or something, i never once said anything about something being wrong with it or it being strange. I have false awakenings and experience false lucidity all the time.

Anyways, it wasnt me who coined the term. It was Laberge. But hey, what does he know, he only attained a PhD in his studies, wrote a book that revolutionized LDing in the western world, and invented MILD. Yeah… lets just ignore laberge’s insane rantings haha.

No I felt i had to intervene because I don’t agree that becoming lucid in a dream within a dream constitutes a false lucid dream. The way I understood LaBerges temr is that it’s a dream where one acts as though lucid but has no lucidity in the dream. I did not enterpret exidez’s dream to be without lucidity. I felt i should intervene to prevent Exidez from calling it that, selling it short for the worng reason.
I did not mean to make it sound like you said it was strange either. Exidez himself thought it was weird. I mean to say that, to me, it isn’t even though I can’t recall having such an experience. Maybe it feels weird but theoretically it sounds normal to me.

oh ok thanx for clearing that up. i thought you were a troll or something. I apologize for juding you so quickly. :smile:

well im glad that’s settled :wink:

No problem.
I guess I could have been more clear.