So I finally had a lucid dream. 2 actually. About 2 months ago I bought LaBerge’s book and read it and would write down dreams and do the hold the nose reality check every half an hour. Then about 2-3 weeks ago I stopped caring because nothing was happening. (although i do the reality check every now and then out of habit) Then a few days ago someone in class brought up lucid dreaming and that night I had a dream where I realized I was dreaming and a huge vertigo effect started happening and I tried to fly up but i only got so far. then I imagined my friends turning into hot girls, then i woke up . Then last night I woke up at 11am and imagined myself going back into my dream and realizing i was dreaming. I walked out of some house and saw a flying car and even though it felt 100% real and i knew it was real, I decided to do a reality check for the hell of it…and VOILA! im dreaming. So i went to fly and it actually worked. I floated on my back high up into the sky into the clouds and it was the most stunning sunset I have ever seen in my life. So i floated around for a minute or 2 then decided to go down to one of the houses and imagine 2 hot girls in the house when I walked in. I started to float towards it but then I woke up . Looks like I will stay away from thoughts of hot girls in dreams lol. Anyway, I just think its wierd that 2 weeks after i stop writing down dreams and doing reality checks alot, I start lucid dreaming. So should I just continue to not do anything and let them come? or should I start writing them down again and doing lots of reality checks? - Ian
I’d suggest making few RC a day (~5), and writing olny Lucid and very interesting NDs. That should be it. Just will yourself to do it. Make sometimes MILD’s or WILD’s at weekend.
Yeah, it kinda ruins the moment.
You got LD’s because you gave up eventually. It’s a sign you should continue trying. If you do nothing, you may have a few LD’s now and then and eventually none.
Yeah… today I suddenly woke up from a nap when I saw a really cute girl. Not exactly hot, but really gorgeous.
So what’s this thing with seeing girls and waking up