I had my first Lucid dream!

I had my first LD yesterday.
I was dreaming that I was playing on a xbox, but I don’t have any xbox so I realized that I must be dreaming. But I had to do a RC to be sure, so I did a RC, (a very stupid RC that I won’t do again) I tried to wake up! And I then I woke up
but the xbox was still there. So I wen’t back to sleep. And when I did that I woke up again. :confused: I realized that the first time I woke up must have been a false awakening.

I will never try to wake up in a dream again and I am going to do a RC every time I wake up to see if it’s just a false awakening! :smile:

:wave: hi, and welcome to lucidity :content:

Congrats on your LD!! :boogie: :cheer: :boogie: :cheer: :boogie: :good: :clap:

I’ve had dreams of finding lots of video games under my bed, or somewhere in my house. It’s sooo disappointing to wake up and they are not there. :wink:

You might want to think twice about “never” trying to wake yourself up. :wink: I sometimes have very long LDs and I wake myself up so I can record them and remember them well. I’ve had one too many LDs that I continued to sleep through … and I hardly remember them the next day … or not at all! :neutral:

Those FA s sure can be annoying though!!! I have twice had a FA and went to brush my teeth … and woke up spitting on my pillow! :lol:


heh Congrats! :razz:

I still have yet to reach lucidity…:confused: