Ive tried to understand the 13 moon calander, Ive read up on it, and still dont get it. I understand that every day has its own energy, but what is a Kin, and what does this have to do with lucid dreaming. Could someone please explaine the dreamspell in lamens terms… very simple lamens terms? Im enterested in it, but its like trying to learn a new language.
it is simple.
the moons are made up of 28 days … the day left over at the end of the 13 moon year is called “the day out of time”
for the kin … imagine 2 wheels turning around…
the outer one would be the “tribes” there are 20 of these…
yellow sun
red dragon
white wind
blue night
then there is an inner wheel which has the tones, there are 13 of these and they are denoted by lines and/or dots … each line represents 5 dots
these have names too
magnetic (1 dot)
lunar (2 dots)
electric (3 dots)
self-existing (4 dots)
overtone (1 line)
so the different combinations give the 260 different kin.
it would be a good idea for you to look at the links again now on this page ld4all.com/more_dreamspell.shtml
the dreamspell/kin have nothing to do with lucid dreaming.
[b]Well maybe read up on all of Moogle’s great points and ignore my comments on this one…but Dr. Jose Arguelles did sleep on the Temple of the Magician and woke up from a dream and got the information to modify the Mayan count and turn it into the Dreamspell, hence why he named it DREAMspell.
So in a way it has to do with dreaming, breaking the spell of mechanical waking life, imo.
But just ignore this point for now until you understand the basics.
I think shifting the paradigm does have a lot to do with awakening the dreaming culture. Otherwise we’ll just be stuck in 3-D mundane mechanical time and always say “there’s never enough time to create, dream, play, love life, etc.”
In the Gregorian calendar are all the days of each month the same, like the 1st, the 2nd, the 3rd? Is February 28th 2006 a repeat of February 28th 2007? I think the Dreamspell is richer.
Feb. 28th, 2006 is Red Solar Dragon, Kin 61
Feb. 28th, 2007 is White Planetary World Bridger, Kin 166
Btw, the Mayan count completes on Dec. 21, 2012 and in the Dreamspell that day/kin is Blue Crystal Hand, Kin 207.
I liked that Moogle - that was very cool!
Sunwolf - I also connect with your comments too. I find the Dreamspell acts as a really cool way of anchoring my “dreaming” in the waking world.
It tends to make me a little more creative in the way I approach each day’s “dreaming”. Often I’ll return to the daily energy, and reflect on how I can make the most of the messages it is conveying about my life.
Plus I love the principle of “Time is Art” that goes with the calendar. It really helps me appreciate the creative impulse that moves through us all.
One fun game is to map your dream journal to the daily dreamspell energies, and watch the connections that develop.