I love dreams.

Dreams are one of the greatest gifts that God has given us. There adventures, and the fact that we are able to be lucid is even better. Dreams are mysterious, and sometimes scarry. Thay feel us with a sence of wonder. It recharges our spirit. A few nights ago I was having a dream about a old friend of mine. We were walking in the woods, and we saw a very tall ancient stone todem pole in the middle of the forrest. I told shawn that there is something barried at the bottom of it, and we begin digging, but I woke up before I could find out what it was. It was a short dream with a cliffhanger, but thats what made it so fun. That dream would have been good to be lucid in. LUCID DREAMING RULES!!! :cool_laugh:

I couldn’t agree more :cool:

/me raises her glass to dreams :beer:

If i had that dream, i would try to get lucid and go back, and find out what the hidden treasure was! It sounds like a powerful dream!

True to that… :yes:

I love having good dream recall now. I’m excited to go to sleep every night to see what happens, instead of just dreading the next morning.

Night time dreams are funny. Most of them are

Agree with everyone ! :beer:

Dreams are some off our greatest experiences !

After beeing interested in dreaming and LDs I see that dreams very often mentioned in literature and poetry !

"Like he was from a dream " and etc .