here is my lucid dream from yesterday… what interesting is that my watch was acting like a digtal watch when it was not a digital watch.
Lucid Levitation
I woke up. Then, I looked at my watch and it gave me the wrong time after I glanced at it a
few times. Also, every once in a while in this dream, my non-digital watch was acting like
a digatal watch with 3 LED digits. So, then I stood up, and I felt very numb with pins and
needles all over. So, I looked around my room, the door was in the wrong place, but I did
not really notice in my dream untill I woke from this dream. I could hear my roomate brian
in the adjacent bathroom or in his room making some noises, not sure what he was up to, but
I did not really care at all. So, I was wondering… what should I do now? So, I felt the
urge… and then whacked it off for about 5 seconds, it felt just like in real life. But,
then I realized that I wanted to materilize some object from no where. Then I stopped
masterbating because I could masterbate when ever the hell I wanted to in real life, but in
real life you cant materialize stuff out of thin air. So, then I decided to create a dildo.
I pictured a dildo in my right hand without looking at my hand. Then I told my self that
the dildo is now in my hand. So, I looked at my hand and found there was a dildo made of
thin, clear fog, and when I touched it, it disappeared as I was mad that it was not solid
and had no color. So, then I remembered I wanted to make a weapon. So, I imagined myself
with an uzi in my right hand… then, I was like, wait, I wanted to make a dildo, not an
uzi… besides theres no enemies here that I could shoot. Then, I imagined a dildo in my
nightstand droor, and I told my self that when I opened it, the pink dildo would be there.
But, when I opened the droor, it was not there.
Now, many times during this dream, I performed reality checks with my watch and hands.
At one time I saw that I had 7 fingers! Because, during much of the dream, I thought to
myself that this is way too real, this cant be dream… also, I was convinced that my
roomates where real, so I did not want to hurt them, and since I had wierd pins and needle
effects, I thought I could be sleep walking. But, later I became less confident that I was
sleep walking.
Now, I looked around my room again, and I saw the door going into my room was half its
size, and the the walls around the door were different. The door was only 3 ft by 2 ft.
Then, I saw a black telephone, not cordless, just a old standard phone. Then, I thought it
would be cool to make the telephone levitate. So, I stood there and put my hands in a
position as if I was lifting a heavy weight. Then, I believed I could lift this phone,
which was the opposite on how I felt on creating objects after the failure. So, I created a
force that was opposite in the direction of gravity, and I gradually increased this force
untill the phone started to shake and then float upwards, and it did not float straight up,
it kind of went to the side, and then the phone shot upwards.
Next, I found myself downstairs in the kitchen. I was looking in the refrigerator. I
was still afraid that I could be sleep walking. My roomates saw me and started to talk to
me and for some reason they were jokingly hitting me, but it was annoying. I blocked all
thier punches or if the punches hit me I did not feel them. So, then I was like enough
dudes, this is all but a dream! Then, of course they were like huh!?!? So, then I was like
um, check this out. So, they were like ok… Then, I walked to the table near our couch
int he living room. There just happended to be 3 plants in pots on the table. So, I put my
fingers to my temples and lifting one of the potted plants into the air, then when it was
floating I threw it hard against the wall! Then, my dream was over. In reality, I did