I reached a hypnogaugic state...in a dream

I was in a dream (non lucid) in which I was falling asleep, and I entered a hypnogaugic state. Now, I’ve never been in such a state in my waking life, but it seemed to have all the signs. The tingling, strange sounds, paralasys, and scary as hell. I immediately pulled myself out of the state.

I do wish that entering a hypnogaugic state was as easy as it was in the dream. It only took me about aminute.

Hypnogogic states are not always scary. The first one I remember was scary, but I was actually not afraid at the time. I heard voices, sounds, music. Saw images like little scenes and all sorts of things. You’ve just gotta relax and try to get by the noises and things because it’s really worth it in the end ^.^

And welcome to LD4all :content:

Welcome to LD4all, hypersoar! :smile:

In my opinion, you dreamt you entered in the hypnagogic state… It was not the true hypnagogic state, it was just a dream about it. You imagined this state like you believe it was, or projected your fear of unknown on it.

hi everyone,
yeah i was wondering if what my experience that i had yesterday was hypnogogic imagery…i had gotten home from breakfast that i was dragged to in the morning, and i layed down to take a nap.
when i was sleeping, i was halfway lucid, and i saw various scenes. Thinking this was hypnogogic imagery, i woke up.
I have never had HI before, and i remember the imagery was black around my visions’ edges.If anyone has had similar experiences, please elaborate.

Hi ttvenom800,

I have what you describe sometimes. Usually it takes that form (image surrounded by the darkness behind closed eyes) when I come 'round from sleep (not when going to sleep). When it happens, I let the image get nearer and nearer (btw, the edges around the vision take on different shapes, rarely completely spherical, and I often describe it as the jagged edges of the vision. Once it appeared in a diamond shape) if you relax and don’t try to be in a too analytical state of mind, the image will keep coming nearer and growing bigger. I let it do this until it completely surrounds me. It’s then important to stay passive and not try to interact with the new scene too soon, as when I do that, the image quickly goes back to way in the distance in the darkness behind closed eyes. So, once the scene surrounds me, I wait for a moment until something almost clicks. Then I am free to run off and be in the dream, lucid from the start. Love it! And want this to happen more! :smile:


how long does it take to enter the scene during this? im new to WILD’s and would love to learn more about your experiences.