I start lucid dreaming right before i wake up.

moved to first steps forum from stuff :moogle:
I need :help: With a Problem That I Lucid Dream at the End of my dreams and i wake up.
I only done this in 2 dreams.
I Also remember both dreams.
The first one was that i was on the internet fourm and i looked away and looked back and the screen was Darker and had diffrent text. then i knew it was a dream and i suddenly woke up.
My 2nd Dream was that i was in some weird playground or something and something was amiss… i knew it was a dream.
so i thought of something up and i woke up.
I dont know why i lucid at the end of my dreams.
Can Anyone help me lucid dream better? :help:
Edit and offtopic : Aggh i Typed my Birth date wrong…

It is quite common to wake up fast when you first lucid dream … mainly due to excitement and not stabilising the dream.
When you realise you are dreaming … just rub your hands together, focus on something in your dream for a short while and saying “lucidity X 1000” outloud will help too.

/me runs back to say :wave: to Gir99 :smile:

It can also be that you are waking up and so you become more conscious and realise youre dreaming but it’s too late. It’s not a BAD thing. If that is indeed what happens then if it didn’t you wouldn’t be lucid at all.
Now, if you remain still and calm when you wake up, you can possibly go right back into the dream and be lucid.

Sometimes I feel that if I shout “increase lucidity” or something I will wake up, so I write it instead!! :tongue:

I get LDs whenever I sleep in, but theyr’e really light. I think it has something to do with being closer to being awake, so you are more aware…

I got that my first few lucid dreams and it kind of annoyed me. But now I just fade back into normal dreaming without realising it (although, I usually still have super powers - at least, the few that I’ve been able to do). I’m begining to think that’s worse, as when I wake up, I can’t really work out if I was really lucid, or how long for. I think if I wake up, I’ll quickly get better at staying asleep, faster than I would if I just lose lucidity.

Another reason might be that you have the T.V. on or something like that. If you keep them on in your head say " I will not wake up when ( Whatevers on) turns off". Or Try saying " I will not wake up unless my mom tells me to".