This has been happenig for quite a while now and I think its time to discuss it .
People reported that , i usually say weird stuff , and move WHILE ASLEEP .
The weirdest thing about it is that I don’t remember anything!!!
To me , the night is always common and peaceful , and even when I sleep in the sofa , I always misteriosly wake up in my bed …
Yesterday , my dad caught me doing sit ups next to my bed .WHILE ASLEEP .
What if I say something embarassing while sleeping ???
What if I do something embarassing ???
Please share your knowledge with me .
wow, I wish I could excersice in my sleep. Can you imagine the abs you could have?
Seriously though, how old are you? I’ve heard of similar behavior and some people simply grow out of it.
Have you always done this? and how long?
I doubt it can be too dangerous, but I can see your concern of embarassment. Sorry I don’t have any extra advice. I’m sure others here may help.
you could always put really heavy blankets over you, that might help though i think exercizing by night and being lazy by day would be awesome.
Once, as a small boy I slept walked into my parent’s bed room and peed in their fan.
Mabye its what we really want to do physically in life that is done in sleepwalking…or mabye its just us physically acting a dream.
omg what did they do?
not to get too off topic, but I’d be more concernced about the electricity!!!
That sounds really dangerous.
lol i reckon spec if u get 2 close
I often have the same experience of getting up and moving during sleep as well as talking and not remembering either one.
It is embarassing I can relate with you there. The best example that comes to mind was when i was travelling and staying in a Hostel apparently woke up and tore everything off my bed Yelling and telling the other 6 people in the room that a train was going to come through there and everyone had to get out of the way.
My best friend was there to Tell me to go back to sleep but it certainly was embarrasing to hear about it in the morning and to this day he reminds me of it (teasingly).
Things like this often happen to me sometimes i will wake up while its happening and realize what is going on andother times people will tell me in the morning what happened and i will have no memory of it.
I sometimes wonder who i am talking to wheni talk in my sleep, if i cant remember the dream but am woken up by myself talking or told about it in the morning. Its usually not nice conversation but i wanke up hearing myself arguing.
When I was little, I once pissed in the crisp cubboard.
The only advice I can give you is to tie yourself down at night, so that you can’t get up.
Or alternativly I’m sure your doctor might be able to give you something that causes your muscles to relax more during the night.
Consider yourself lucky. I wish I could do homework while asleep. I wouldn’t have to do it while awake.
Yeah, that seems to happen to some people. Dunno why.
My brother use to talk to me whilst he was sleeping. True, the conversations didn’t really get past me yelling, ‘WTF are you talking about?’, but…
It seems to me that you are acting out your dreams. However, whenever I ask people about what they dreamt when they did that (I know a couple), they have no recollection of a dream that involed what they did/said.
So it seems to me that you only act out the parts of dreams when in a very deep sleep - say in the middle of their REM stage, and as a result, aren’t very likely to remeber the dream.
What is interessting though, is the way what they do can depend on their RL surroundings. True, they may not do it precisely (such as taking a piss on a fan. I also heard of a boy taking a piss in the fridge…). This is odd, as it shows some sort of concisious, but the intelleigence doesn’t seem to know what each utility is really for.
This is also seen in the way people go ‘back to bed’ in another bed or couch.
I which I sleep walked, cos then I could experiment wid it .
Here - next time you sleep someone with a freind or whatever, tell them to wake you up when your acting out your dream (or shortly after). You’ll be mroe likely to remember the dream then (and may find a new link - sucj as the dream being very vivid, or purhaps it is a very low level LD that somehow broke SP?).
Just don’t let them wake you up while standing up. You will suddenly fall down as you are acustom to waking up in bed.
Apparently it’s best to stay by a sleepwalker, not waking them up and making sure they don’t bang into anything.
Yes. God knows how sleep walkers make it down the stairs with their eyes closed.
Oh, shit.
I talk in my sleep sometimes. Sometimes I move alot to.
Well, It sucks most of the time because I’ve gotten some embarrising moments with it.
lol, yer your not ment to wake them up that can cause some bad things to happen, just slowly drift them back to bed. Wehn i was younger i used to walk into my mums room and just say one line and walk out. I still wish i had said “there comming”
Eh, I’ve had a bad sleep talking experience. A few years ago, I was in bed, and my dad isn’t too fond of people swearing. He was getting ready to go to bed, and he heard me scream out, “F***!” He told me about it in the morning. It was a little embarassing, but he didn’t mind much, since I was asleep. He hasn’t said anything about me sleep talking since. Must have scared me out of it. =p
Whenever I visit my dad, I am aware of him sleep talking just about every night. Some of the things he says are hilarious and they’re all spiritual. He once said something like, “Holy Mother, show me the way” and all I can do is crack up silently and then tell him the next day. Luckily he thinks it’s funny as well, otherwise I’d feel bad about enjoying his late-night ramblings.
I once had a dream about an orbe stone. My Dad told me I shouted out orbe. Lol. I just can’t undertsand how sleep walkers can get down the stairs. I can’t do it with my eyes closed, without the support of the banaster, or walking real slowly.
I walked down stairs once. My dad caught me trying to get into the garage.
Lol. Were you awake?