Well I think I had a lucid this weekend, but im not exactly sure. I slept at my friends house on a couch in his room. Now this couch is magic for me, because everytime I sleep on it, I have incredible dream recall and sometimes lucid dreams…(I will realize I am dreaming and wake up instantly). Now one of my questions is… Does it matter for any of you where you sleep, if it helps you recall dreams or induce lucidity.
Now to the lucid dream part. From what I remember I was walking down this street in my dream. I had a DILD and I think this got me lucid. Now I remember the picture quality was just like a ND for me, because it was terrible looking and sadly it was in third person. In my dream I also remember trying to fly, I jumped up and just floated for awhile and fell to the ground. The reason I don’t think I was lucid was I didn’t really have any control over the dream or myself. I remember just thinking “O’ I’m going to fly” and so I did that and then I couldn’t do anything else.
Did you think of it as a dream while you were in it? If you did you were lucid.
False lucid dreams can happen to you. It is when you dream that you do the things that you do in a LD without realising that you are actually dreaming it.
I think it might have been a false lucid dream then because I remember I had pretty much abosolutely no control over anything in the dream. But I did do what I wanted to in a dream (I also drove really fast)
Speaking for myself most definitely. When sleeping anywhere but my own bed and have very little dream recall and no lucid dreams.
First you have to know if you were lucid or not. By lucid I mean that you 1) knew you were dreaming and 2) understand what that means. Mainly that you can direct and control the dream if you want.
Now if you were lucid I would say that you may have just experienced a low level lucid dream or you just have to get used to using your dream powers.
Next time you become lucid before you do anything stay calm and do something to anchor your self to your dream. You can try rubbing your hands together and concentrate on making the dream more vivid. From there take things slow making only small changes to the dream.
No mater if you had a lucid dream or not. Lucid Dreaming was clearly filtering its way into your dreams so it is a sign of good progress. Also a sign of more lucid dreams to come.
If you are sure you were lucid then it is just a matter of improving your dream control which will come to you quickly with more LD ‘s and practice.