I think I had my first LD! maybe?

I started a Dream Journal a few weeks ago. It’s been sporadic, sometimes I remember a dream vividly and can write a page or two, sometimes I go two to three nights remembering nothing. Anyway, last night I was having a dream that was slowly turning into a nightmare. It wasn’t really bad yet but I was expecting something to happen. I thought “This is probably just a dream, I wish I could wake up…wait, let’s do a RC!” I stuck my fingers of one hand through my other hand. It worked. I got really excited and for some reason let out a loud piercing scream in my dream which promptly dissolved. I woke up with my heart beating and a headache, I assume because I woke up in the middle of REM sleep.

So, was this the beginnings of a LD? I assume I became conscious but got too excited. Is there any way for preventing this in the future? I wasn’t expecting this to happen so soon.

Thanks for all the help.


Yep that was a ld. But to maintain lucidty you will have to calm down and relax. Look at the environment. Rub your hands or spin around.

Congratulations noabsolutes! Try not to be so exited next time so you can have a fuller experience. I wouldn’t know how hard this is, because my first and only lucid dream began with me automatically lucid, so there was no big…“Woh, I’m dreaming!” moment. Good luck :smile:
