I thought of a new technique of acheiving lucidity.

This technique is kind of a variation on normal MILD and Reality Checks, but I’m not sure if its been thought of before.

Okay, first off, carry around a pocket or wrist analog watch wherever you go.

Whenever you move to a different “scene” in your waking life (i.e. the bedroom to the bathroom), look at your watch. Do this until you get into the habit. Don’t ask yourself “Am I dreaming?” just look at your watch to make sure it still functions normally.

Once you are in the habit, you won’t think twice about it. Every night, before you go to bed, start repeating the mantra “the next time I get the chance, I’m going to see what time it is.” The first time you don’t have the watch on you, or it reads X%;V’&, your dreaming!

What do you think?

it’s ok. My personal technique is to do MILD in bedtime, then do the WBTB technique in the morning to then do WILD. Doing so you will be doing both techniques the same night.

I think thats a good tech cosmonaut, Not only would it be a good reality check, but you would also always know what time it is :smile:

I think it might be better if you did this like maybe everytime you go from outside to inside, or from a car to outside, making it everytime you go through a doorway would get a little much, but who knows its experimental, might as well experiment with everything :smile:

anyway nice tech :smile:

Sounds kindda like my mantra ‘When I notice something weird, I’ll take my RC’s’.

Anyways - taking a RC mindlessly (automatically) is pointless, cos the chances of it working are greatly reduced. You have to take it (and another one or two) and really expect them to tell you it’s a dream, otherwise they’ll either fail (and you’ll carry on unlucidly), or you won’t notice that they’ve passed (and so carry on unlucidly).

Other than that though - it sounds good :smile:.

You could always build a device that you wear around your wrist (not a watch) that detects everytime you enter a new room and then shocks you with a ninety-two point ninety two volt charge from a battery placed within the device. This could signal the user to do a reality check and thus become extremely aware and lucid if they are dreaming.

Side affects could be such as not wanting to leave or enter rooms as well as death. Use with caution.