I want to use my LDs for more then flying around...

There are alot of things I would like to do. I want to use my waking lifeas a tool for my LDs, and use my LDs as a tool for waking life, but I just dont know how to go about it. One of the first things I would like to do is cure depression, Ive lived with it all my life, and I think I can use LDing to concure my demons. How do I do it? Any advise?


As far as using your waking life as a tool for LDs, I would highly recommend you read the Lucid Living threads. That is precisely what they are all about.

I see that you have had some LDs, so for handling your depression I would recommend that you talk to people in your LDs. Treat them as advisors and ask them what you can do to cure the depression.

That is a good, but hard question to answer. You see I think the answer will very from person to person. I do not believe all depression is the same. Some are depressed because of their situation, others have suffered some sort of trauma in their life, while others are overwhelmed with guilt of some sort (real or imagined).

I think the best place to start would be to learn lucid dreaming first and practice until you are reasonablely proficient at it. Once that is done, then you could use your dream skills to confront these “demons” as you call them. See what they are all about. Give them shape and form so you can really examine them. When you understand where these demons are coming from and understand them you can finally let go of them Another advantage is that when life becomes overwhelming you can always take a mini vacation in your mind where the worries of your daily life can’t interfere.

The possibilities are endless but yes I do agree that having lucid dreams can help with depression. I know that just having a lucid dream makes me feel better the next day. I am more positive and energetic than I would if I had just a normal dream.

I wish you the best of luck on your journey and your recovery.