I was almost there !

In my DJ I wrote a dream that I rememberd all of it , and I remember few times thsat I asked my-self , wait ! how can it be ? an exmaple from the dream : I see my class’ bus is about to go , I run to the bus and enter , the bus turning to a movie theater , I’m thinking in the dream :“Wasn’t I entered to a bus ? oh well…”
as you see in the exmaple I still ingnored from this thing.
why is it hapening ? is it normal ?

Perfectly normal. You just need to be more critical about strange occurrences. Maybe imagine strange things and how you’d react to them.

Example: A meteor falls from the sky and nearly crushes you. Will you accept it or will you question the reality of it?

I think it should help… assuming you have a lot of strange dreams. If not, it won’t be much use, I guess.

oh trust me I have a l0ot of wierd dreams… lol