I WILD'd by accident

Yes i did. :happy: See i had this song stuck in my head(usually Fuel,Creed,Alter Bridge). This time the song was Dare You to Move by Switchfoot. It was stuck in my head and i went to sleep that way. I woke up and my mind had it stuck in there again. I went back to sleep playing this song over and over again. But eventually i didn’t even have to think about it. The song just played by itself with amazing accuracy. It was like listening to a CD player. I saw a crayon. Eventually i reached and touched the crayon. I really focused and i had a weird feeling run through my body. I was in the dream world. :smile: After i woke up, i realized i had WILD’d by accident. The song turned into my hypnagogic sound and the crayon was the hypnagogic imagery. Pretty cool huh? :tongue:

And were you completely lucid?

Very! That’s a pretty neat way of LD ’ ing. The song when it was playing, was it basically the song as if it was playing on a stereo or what? Its cool how your subconcious remembers all that.! :happy:

I was completely lucid. And yes the sound sounded as if it was coming from my cd player. At one point, i focused on the bass and the bass sounded completely normal.

:eek: that’s a really interesting idea, to use a song for the hypnagogic rather than imagery. Very cool :cool: Yohanover.

Could i possibly… have a new… :sly: Maybe not. It’s probablly just another variation of WILD. I’ll keep trying this one. Just wishfull thinking i guess… :shrug:

Wow, that’s one way to WILD that I’ve never heard of! I would like to try, but I don’t really get songs stuck in my head. :razz: I doubt that my subconscious can play my favorite songs.

My audible HI is very strong. When the room is perfectly silent, I can hear a distant, nonsense melody that increases in volume as I approach sleep. The closest thing I can compare it to is the sound of the old 8-bit Nintendo games, only without any direction in the song.