I would call myself a newbie but...

I have been lucid dreaming for atleast 6 months now, without knowing how too. I drift off into a semi sleep, and then from there the fun starts. I will wake up in my dream world and think it is real world (this is before I know it’s lucid, of course). Sine I had braces, I have to were retainers at night, well, I go to take them out, and the top one ALWAYS seems to stay. That is how I have figured out when I know I am in a dream and from there on I can control them. Making people appear, just walking around my house, etc. Just recently, I have actually explored, or just arrived, at stores with no name. Of course, when I figure out that it is a dream due to my retainers, the fun starts. i would call myself a newbie since I have never even read of any of the inducers and such, it just happens the way it happens. I read these forums last night, and that might have helped me have a better lucid dream than normal. I mean, when you are in the middle of a semi-battle and figure out that your lucid, anything can happen!

Hm… you should have posted this in the big “Hi I’m New Here” topic, but who cares, welcome to the forum, and while you’re still a knowledge newbie, you’re a natural! (So that’s even better. Duh.) Best read around the “Newbie Tips” thread. Great info to collect there.

I have been looking over MILDs and WILDS. I don’t think I have ever used any technique to dream, I just lay in bed… and drift off into semi-sleep, where I can here and see, but my mind is wandering and talking to itself… time recently slows down… very slow. Then I’ll wake up in the dream, thinking I am awake… and figure out that I am in the dream. I don’t know if I am having an actual true LD though. Also, I’m not much big on hello’s :razz: I like to just be there lurking. I’ma lurker.

As In Starcraft? 0.o

You are Lucid IF you realize you are dreaming, even if you can barely control it. In some cases - its like you CANT control it but your subconscious does goofy things :tongue: I say big words for a person who cant become lucid? ^.^

Juice, what you have described is an involuntary WILD. I think.
You better start talking, or we’ll comsat the heck out of you. :tongue: