Ideas for controlling your LDs

If you have read my few first posts I have made here you have somewhat of an idea of the control I have grasped. I would called it total control, the only problem I have is getting to excited, but I think my Lds end more because I expect myslef to get to excited then me actually getting to excited. But in my recent LDs I have used my mind to move objects, have beautiful girls appear around the when I walk around the corner, make dinosaurs appear, and do pretty much anything I can imagine at the time. Heres how I do it:
-I imagine the things I want to happen without visualizing them, its more like subconsiously telling myself it is going to happen.
-When I imagine these events, they only work if I have 100% confidence they will work and that I am in control, with any doubt they wont happen but if I do doubt the first time I try again immediately with no doubt and it works.
-I had some bowls and chairs and other objects in a room, I used my mind to move them around, I KNEW they would move, and so they did. I did not picture these objects moving before I moved them, I just knew how they would move and moved them.
-In one dream where I was ready to have sex and was walking down endless halls that seemed like some sort of school with no one around, I told myself that I would wlak around the corner and there would be beautiful girls, I did not sit there and think about it, it was instanatneous, when I made it around the corner two beautiful girls came down the stairs and the party began, unfortuantely I think I got “excited” and faded out. (See my next post about what I mean by “excited”)

If you are confused or have any questions ask away, this works, and its is the ultimate feeling I have EVER had, it was my world and I shaped every aspect. I am still mastering this so I have not yet begun to try and create specific things such as special people or very particular events, but now that I have had some practice I predict it will not be a problem. Good luck and have fun.

I meant I had total control over the aspects of what was happening in my LDs, but the induction and ending are something different. By the way I was never onto myself, just giving suggestions and telling my story so if you don’t like it then don’t read it.

Well, it’s worth a try :happy:.

Stop harassing the poor guy, he’s just sharing his experiences and providing some tips for those who may be interested. I think its pretty obvious that he’s not doing this to get “respect and prestige”.

Ditto :ok:.

oneiromancer -

I did not come to an online forum to get respect and pretsige, I am simply trying to give my insight and what has worked for me. I did not mean for it to come across as it did for you, but apparently your just looking to pick a fight because others have realized I am not putting myself on any pedistal, in fact I came here to learn more and find different possibilities, not to claim I knew more then anyone or that I have some super skill. I was just very intrigued by my ability to control a world and I want other people to be able to experience the same if they haven’t already. Instead of wasting your time putting me down why don’t you try and post something that may have purpose or possibility.

Every one has a tendency to come off like onecromancer is accusing monk of when they are excited about something. I just got done hearing some one accusing me. I think Monk is just trying to share something that he has been having success with.

In the flavor of his topic, I will reply to that instead of the discussion :smile:

Monk, that is something that lots of people have experienced. I have found that directly manipulating your subcouncious with your councious can be dificult at times for many reasons. One of the techniques I implement with a suprising about of success it to manipulate the councious world in some small way that will alllow the subcouncious world to fill in a blank.

This is why I would explain you walking around the corner and running into the girls works. Something you could try to posibly ensure this happens is when you are about to turn the corner, yell out two girls names. This will imply that there are girls near by to your subcouncious and it will fill in the blanks.

Another reason I like letting my subcouncious fill in the blanks instead of force feeding it is because my subconcious can create such better, more detailed and more creative things than my councious can… I mean… thats wha it does best, every night all night right?

I am excited you are finding ways to manipulate your subcouncious, but don’t keep looking for new ways and letting us know what you find!

This forum reaches many Countries, Languages and Cultures. Patience is expected at all times when reading and enjoying the forum. Your interpretation of someones words may not correspond to their true message. Keep this in mind when visiting LD4ALL.

I also will respond to Monk’s post not the discussion; however, please remember that in LD4ALL, we are allowed to share what we experienced and learned from our events/occurrences. We help each other ok? Patience is the key. :happy:

I also found that manipulating your subconsciousness helps you with total control in LD’s. Indeed. I often try to replace all doubts into 100% confidence in what I do in order to be able to do anything I need to do. The further I go, I realized that it’s better to leave my subconscious many blanks to see what it comes up with. When I had total control in my previous LD’s… to be honest, I found it boring quite quickly. It was fun for a while, but then I just run out of things to do because I was able to control them all.

And one day, I started to decide that I should just go with the flow in my LD’s. If it seems right to try stuff, then I do it. I find it the best entertaining method for me because I love to see how surprising my subconscious can show. :happy: I love surprises.

Monk- keep on experimenting! :happy: Help each other out. :content:


Good call Dm7, I’m not sure if that point came across, but I was trying to make it. Total control isn’t all its cracked up to be. Its more fun to give your subcouncious the control, and just guide its general direction, this also requires less effort so you are abel to enjoy your dream sinstead of “working” on them.

Toadstool, precisely.

The key is to let subconsciousness to do all the works. :content: You just suggest like a self-hyponsis into a certain direction and see what it comes up with. That’s my preferred method.

Good luck everybody. :happy:

That sounds like a much better idea. Being the leo I am I love controlling things, so the first time controlling an entire world for me was by far fascinating. I agree that leaving blanks would probably be much more interesting, but what should I do if I have specific agendas? Should I not control them? In my next LD I want to talk to my father who was killed when I was young, should I not create him myself or imagine him being where I want him to be? How do you think I should go about this without createing a zombie DC of my father?

Monk, you could try calling your father with respect like maybe asking him if he could come and visit. Don’t demand. :smile: Be open-minded. Be eyeful and earful lol to what he has to say. Because it’s a dream, it might be very symoblic and doesn’t make sense, but when you really look into it… it might make sense.

It’s like knowing dream’s language after studying it a bit.

Good luck!

When I have had LDs of dead loved ones they have came to me. I don’t remember even seeking them, or trying to summon their presence.

Although, when I wish to find a certain object in my dreams I go looking for it. I usually find the most closest corner or door and just expect that object to be there. Be ready to be surprised when you open it! :wink:

Yes, that also can happen. They come to you. :happy: I have had some several dreams where my dear ones who passed away came to me. I always hold those dreams close to my heart. They’re special.

Have fun! I wish you the best luck of all! :happy: