If I study LDs alot....

If I complety submerge myself in the enterest of LDs, reading, Keeping a dream journal, doing reality checks,watching LD movies (which remids me I need to buy “Waking life”) Really make LDs a active hobby. What are other thigs I can do?
another question are there any dream websight that have reality check type things, like mixed up words blury digital clocks or dream art?

https://www.lucidcrossroads.co.uk/ That’s a good site

Your post reminds me of a story I once heard.

I may not get the story exactly right but, you will get the point. Here it goes:

[i]A yong boy traveled across Japan to study with the finest karate master in the world. When he finally arrived at the dojo the sensi asked the boy, “what do you want of me?”

“I wish to be the finest karateka in all the land. How long must I study?”, the boy stated.
“10 years.”, the master replied.
“10 Years! That is a long time. What if I practice twice as hard as all your other students?”
“20 years the master replied.”
The boy was shocked. “What if I practice day and night with all my might. How long will it take me then.”
“30 years”, the master answered.
The boy now completely confused asked, “ Master, why is it that every time I tell you I will practice harder, you tell me it will take longer to achieve my goal?”
“The answer is clear when one eye is fixed on your destination, there is only one eye left to find the way.”[/i]

The moral of the story is don’t try too hard, instead find a balance.

Just some food for thought.

Drink honey + milk warm, and mint tea every night helps. Cheese helps also.

The main things are dedication and knowledge that it will work. I have about a 75% success rate with my MILDs, because I know they work. Determination- When I have it on certain months, I have plenty.

A motto that I actually learned from a metroid trick (Go me and video games :tongue: ) is “The harder you try, the less you’ll get it. You have to be ok with not getting it.”

In other words, dont be the tensest in the world. It’ll come.

unfortunately i have anecdotal evidence to disprove this… i knew a girl, and i started playing electric guitar… within a day i knew a few riffs but they were kind of hard for me to do, like the intro to enter sandman.

i showed her how to play it… she got interested in guitar and started playing her mother’s acoustic.

within 2 months she was about 10 times better than me, and having played for … 2 - 3 years, she may have been better in those two months than I am now.

she didn’t sleep. she would sleep maybe 3 days a week…s omething was “wrong” with her that she couldn’t sleep, so she would just play guitar, night and day, over and over and over and over and over and over… stay up all night playing…

she started learning metallica’s nothing else matters… and … when i saw how ■■■■■■■ good she had suddenly become at it, it made me quite literally want to cry.

i don’t know how good she is now, i assume she still plays… but i could assume she is much better than I am… and perhaps than I ever will be… though… i have bad practice habits and don’t play a lot… over practicing seemed to work for her, aside from all the pain and callouses and strain it caused her.

the worst thing is if i pick up a new guitar, someone elses, that i’ve never played before, i can play something like nothing else matters flawless with a few warm up rounds, but i always suck it up on my axe… who knows why, just bad practice association i guess, it’s not a hard song at all, pretty damn easy actually, i just have to “reset” all programming and play it slow a few time warming up until it “clicks”

That’s somewhat worrying.

Still waiting for somebody to say “What if I work at LDing so hard I sleep 10 nights a week?”