Whats up, this is my first post here. Though I have never LDed before I find it very interesting. I have attempted to LD like 5 times the last few nights and have noticed that I dream a lot more. I can recall 3 different dreams I had last night. Ifeel like im progressing. The question I have is:
When you use the MILD technique successfully, Do you find yourself LDing immediatley when you fall asleep? Or do you become aware later in the sleep?
With MILD, I have always remembered it is a dream after a while. People who use WILD are lucid when they fall asleep, though
Good luck!
With me, MILD occurs hours after I’ve been asleep. There is the rare occasion that I have a MILD only after 30 minutes or so of sleep. … but I only can remember these well if I wake from them.
but a simple answer to your question is, no
Thanks for the info.
Is the WBTB combined with MILD a good combo. I normally automatically wake up after sleeping for about 6 hours. I just can’t get myself up for awhile. Is it neccessary to get up for roughly 30 mins, or can you jump right into MILD after waking up?
Depends are you heavy sleeper, or not. Basically WBTB with MILD is the best, because then your mind is more fresh and capable for successful MILD. For example during last days i have done only MILD, because i was somehow very tired to try WBTB. And no wonder that i had no success with MILD. My brain was just too tired and my sleep too deep.
But if i would be wake for at least 10-15 minutes, i think my MILD would be more successful.
Is it important to get up from bed when you do WBTB? or can you just like sit on your bed or lie still and read something about LD for about 10minutes? cause im way too tired to get up from bed when i wake up.
Morphe, it depends on the person. Try both and see what it brings you. Personally, I wake up, go for a piss, and then straight back to bed to do MILD or WILD. Works fine for me, since i’m to lazy too, to stay up for long.
Xetrov, yea. when i had my first LD i didnt even do WBTB. but i think it only was luck so ill start doin some WBTB now.
Not necessarily. You can induce lucid dreams at your regular bed time. WBTB just makes inducing lucid dreams easier.
i know
i just thought that it was strange that i became Lucid when i didn’t try that hard.

i know
i just thought that it was strange that i became Lucid when i didn’t try that hard.
Sometimes that is when you have the most success.