im haven probs w/ RC's

well i started doing RC’s 3 days ago and the 1st 2nd days went good i did them correctly, by taken in my suroundings and acully questioning my reality , by thinking it waz posible to be in a dream and id beleive it …but today and yesterday i cant do it all i cant do is check to be shur by doing a reg RC but i know im not dreaming i know its imposible becuz i remeber waking up and doing the 1st 1 of the day then i remeber doing the second one its like im totaly aware that its reality and not becuz everything looks real but becuz i know that the laws of physics are in acction therefor it is reality
i know nothing strange is or has happend and i remeber doing all my prevous RC"s kinda like i know that if i wasnt dreaming an hour ago or an hour b4 that or an hour b4 that and so on so i know i cant be now cuz i remeber everything i have done between my last RC and the pressant moment

This is also some kind of reality check because in a dream you could not remember the RC’s you have done before. Because you really did them not. Another possibility to check if you are dreaming is thinking about the past. Do you know how you got to the place where you are now? Is something missing in your rememberance?
Maybe this helps you.
