Im Kinda Stuck

Well, I’ve had lucid dreams before, maybe less than 10 of them.
I started long ago, but after a month or two, I got tiring of waking up and writing down stuff and going back to sleep. I would just wake up with lost sleep.

Now I wouldn’t record anything, but just do the WILD and MILD techniques to try to get one in. After a break - 3 months or so, I decided to semi-take stuff down. I would wake up and record things on my phone.

The problem is, i have recorded a bunch of dreams with me thinking/talking about dreaming.

One dream, I try to LD.
I am at one of my reoccuring dreams, so I take note and do a RT. I read a sign and look away, but the sign is the same. It’s full of words and pictures, but when I look at it again, it’s the same. One LD failed.

Another time, I dream an awesome dream. I wake up for a while then I go back to sleep. I am now in a dream talking to my cousin about my dream, and ‘coincidentally’ had the same dream I had. It kinda sucks to be talking about a dream in a dream.

Anyone ever expeirence this before? Any ideas on what to do?

Motivation low? Try reading some dream reports, your’s our others’. Especially lucid dreams. As long as you can remember dreams you’re okay.
As for dreams talking about dreaming, doing reality checks that don’t get you lucid. You gotta take them with some humor. At least dreams are a topic in your dreams. And as it seems, a dream sign!! So if you talk to anybody about dreams IRL do RCs and put a little more effort into it!
Really why does is suck to talk about dreams in a dream? Beats talking about the weather or doing the laundry right? Discussing detergent or something. At least if youre talking about dreams you can be prompted to reality check or learn something.

Definitely a motivation problem. I used to be pretty decent at LDing but when the motivation left… the LDing stopped. The amount of effort you put into LDing is ultimately your choice, I just personally feel I don’t even have a chance if I don’t record my dreams until I have total recall.

Ah, okay, thanks. I’ll try to be more motivated about it. :wink: