Well, I’ve had lucid dreams before, maybe less than 10 of them.
I started long ago, but after a month or two, I got tiring of waking up and writing down stuff and going back to sleep. I would just wake up with lost sleep.
Now I wouldn’t record anything, but just do the WILD and MILD techniques to try to get one in. After a break - 3 months or so, I decided to semi-take stuff down. I would wake up and record things on my phone.
The problem is, i have recorded a bunch of dreams with me thinking/talking about dreaming.
One dream, I try to LD.
I am at one of my reoccuring dreams, so I take note and do a RT. I read a sign and look away, but the sign is the same. It’s full of words and pictures, but when I look at it again, it’s the same. One LD failed.
Another time, I dream an awesome dream. I wake up for a while then I go back to sleep. I am now in a dream talking to my cousin about my dream, and ‘coincidentally’ had the same dream I had. It kinda sucks to be talking about a dream in a dream.
Anyone ever expeirence this before? Any ideas on what to do?