Im lucid.... but i cant move

OK first of all Id like to say hi, i have been looking at these forums for a while but this is my first post. :smile:

I relatively new to lucid dreaming (I had my 3rd today) which is why I posted this here but feel free to move it.

Anyway about an hour ago I had a false awakening. I did a reality check (holding my nose and breathing), and at first I didnt notice I had been able to breathe (my nose was blocked up in the dream) but after doing it again I realised I could and gained lucidity.

So I was lying in bed looking at the ceiling, noticing how clear everything was etc. I decided that now I could go and do stuff like fly but when I tried to move, my visuals were stuck on the picture of the ceiling. I could move my body and everything I just couldnt sit up to see anything else.

I did kind of manage it eventually and when I got up I tried to fly but I just found myself back in bed staring at the ceiling. This hasn’t happened in any of my other lucid dreams although they have been pretty low lucidity. I tried to change the dream to a different place but before I could try I was woken up.

Another thing I should mention is that my radio was on while this was happening and I could hear what the djs were talking about. I normally sleep through my radio anyway but I was just wondering if maybe that had an effect?

I would really apprectiate any help you could give me because after waiting weeks for another lucid dream, today was quite disappointing :sad:


First of all… WELCOME TO YE FORUM :happy:

and second:

hmmm… due to the fact that the radio was on and you could hear it in da dream… i think this might be a SP… allthjough a rather light one… but im not certan att all…

I dont think it was SP because I could move my dream ‘body’ but it just couldn’t move my visuals. And I sleep through my radio quite a lot so I normally hear it in my dreams…

One thing I didnt mention in my original post was that I have strange things happen in day dreams that I cant seem to control, for example if I try to open a closed door, the door stays closed and I find it really hard to open it like there is springs holding it shut(this is in daydreams not while Im asleep), and also if I try to throw something away from me it comes back to me like a magnet :confused:

So im really confused, I hope this was just a one off because its never happened to me before. I think maybe I should try to improve my visualising skills?

Ya, I often have that in daydreams, no idea why, but that’s just the way it is for some people I think.

Hi Dastari, welcome to the forum! :wave:

Sometimes strange things happen in LD’s. As they generally just happen once, I don’t think there is a need to find a solution.

Nevertheless, your question about impossible things in LD’s (or day dreaming) is interesting. I remember there was a long time ago a thread about this and people trying absolutely to manage to do them. It would be interesting to find it again…