how do you do a reality check… like i cant seem to control myself in my dream and i just seem to go… or actually let me resay this… when something weird happens i think its normal and i just go with the flow… how do you guys check for reality… it seems so hard for me
You take them in real life, and as dreams are based off real life, you’ll take them in your dreams as well .
Take a RC everytime you remember and everytime you feel you may be dreaming (you see something odd). Also, try taking them everytime you wake up.
In dreams, its completely normal to view something as 100% out of the ordinary, and give it no second thought, yet in your waking life, you’d think it quite queer. For instance, I accecpted the idea that running around a grocery store brandishing a knife will get me a better mark on my chemisty final (?!), until I became lucid, of course.
Something so weird will seem so logical. You must train yourself in your waking life to make a reality check whenever something that could even remotely be considered strange.
Although this is much harder in practice, because it requires a degree of lucidity already to make the cognitive decision upon something based in a dream.
It’ll only be hard if you think it will be.
I had my first lucid dream last night, and I never thought it would be caused by a silly reality check. During the day I would see things that reminded me of my dreams and take a note of it to do a reality check when I saw these things. In this case it was driving, now I do drive fairly often, but I’d say I drive more in my dreams than I do in real life, or I’m in some kind of vehicle period. So I decided to do a reality check if I was driving or riding in any vehicle. Before I even had a chance to do this IRL, I had this dream I was driving a bus or something and that I was too tired to drive and afraid that I would fall asleep. Suddenly I realized I was driving, not only that, I was driving a vehicle that I’d never seen before. I did a reality check, I tried to push my finger through my hand, did it work? I don’t know, because my hands turned invisible. Yep, it was a dream. Cool huh.