I don’t really know what to do about this problem. I can’t get up to do WBTB, but obviously I’m turning the alarm off without actually waking up, because it’s not blaring in the morning. Should I just set more alarms or what?
haha, me too. If you do it for more than one night in a row, this should help. Just try to get to bed at a set time, and set your alarm for times when you should just be getting out of a dream (i.e. 4.5 or 6 hours after falling asleep)
WBTB helps like crazy, so just keep trying, and good luck.
i put the alarm in a position where i have to get up from bed to turn it off. it always makes me wake up.i also have a backup alarm set for 10 minuits later just incase.
Yep, its all too common. I’ll hear my alarm and it’ll become apart of my dream, and then I’ll end up turning it off without me even knowing it. Thats why I always put it somewhere where I can get up and get into a conscious state.
Hehe… that happened to me last night. I set my alarm to go off at 5am but I woke up at 7:15 am
Usually I wake up a few minutes before my alarm clock, turn it off and do WBTB…
I did that last night. I set my alarm and woke up, but because my alarm wasn’t going off when I woke up I scolded myself for sleeping through it. I then had a look at the time, and realised it was 1 minute before my alarm was due to go off.
Heh. I hate my alarm so much I get up in like half a sec quickly to end the noise. During that time i’m not tired at all. My heart rate increases and such. It’s like trying to catch a glass falling to the floor. Maybe I’m just really jumpy.
Get a really loud annoying alarm or put one right next to your bed, if all else fails get someone to wake you up or program your house so the lights come on at a specific time.
set one for every minuite for like three or four minuits. i use my cell phone so i can set like three alarms at a time on it and i also use a common alarm clock. i also use the getting up to turn it off technique as i said earlier
Well you could just drink a lot of water before sleeping, then you will most likely have to wake up and go to the bathroom.