I'm so dumb in my dreams!

lol. I remembered 4 dreams last night, and 2 of them I should’ve done a reality check.

The first one, I woke up at 6 o’clock (in my dream). I thought about doing the RC of looking at my alarm clock twice to see if the times change, but I decided against it. :neutral:

Then in my next dream, I had a sleepover at my house. I asked my friend to get off the internet so I could check who was on YIM. I fought her over the mouse, and then I checked YIM. There was only 4 people on my buddy list (IRL I have 8 people). And the one guy who was online, I never heard his username before. And I commented that in the dream. But did I do a reality check…no. :cry:

Do any of you have trouble doing reality checks in a dream, and becoming aware? Share your experiences here. :wink:

:confused: i dunno. ive just started and cant lucid dream or anything…lol. so im still working on dream recall (cos i cant remember ne of it) and rcs

Obvious things turn up all the time in my dreams. I’ve had a couple where I was on this forum, talking about LDing, and I still didn’t realize I wasn’t awake!

Oh, and welcome to the forum Dream Oracle! :welcome:

thanks wolf :happy: im sure ill enjoy it on here :wink: maybe even with help i find here, have al ucid dream!

dreamer_chic, I think alot of us do. I for one have the most obvious of obvious dreams and can’t seem to remember to do a RC or acknowledge the obvious as a DS. But I’m definitely working on it and you’ll see that you too will get better.

thank you for all the responses eveyone! :smile: I suppose everyone has this experience…where you wake up and you’re like " How did I not realize that?" . lol.

My brother use to go to this site, and he read about someone who had an obvious dream. someone flew out the window and said “You’re dreaming!”. and the dude still didn’t catch on. :happy:

I have trouble about doing RC-s myself, i always somehow do them completely coincidentally… Fortunately that fact doesn’t freak me out, but rather makes me wonder why… Is it because LD-ing is now glued to my sub-c?

im trying RCs at the moment. because it seems the easieest method. and im trying to improvve my dream recall (its appalling) before i try lucid dreaming :happy: