In LD... Vividness

Maybe a dumb question…


When you are LDing…lets say you’re in a field. Can you feel the field? Can you smell the air? Will it feel like real life? If you’re holding a sword in that field, can you swing it, and run with it?

I wanted to be in LoTR…seemed like a good idea to me.
I just really wanna know what it feels like.

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When your in a dream, your senses seem more or less exactly as they are IRL. Yes, you can feel the field, smell the air, and even swing the sword through a bunch of orcs :tongue:

Honestly, I think the best way to figure out what it feels like is to have a LD and find out :tongue:

:wave: hello nominal :smile:
yes it can feel exactly like real life … sometimes it can even feel more intense that that :yes:

oo, thanks, curiosity has the best of me gonna try everyday. and then kill orcs.

Yes in the dream my senses tend to be as real, if not more strong/real than in real life, however if you’re dream recall isn’t string you might only remember them as an unvivid haze. But yes, your senses will be intact and you will be able to experience things just as in waking life.

wow i never knew that
if i saty in a ld longer it will be that simular to real life.

It doesn’t neccesarily have anything to do with length, I have had some LD’s that were 30 minutes but weren’t that vivid at all (possibly poor recall). One the other hand I have had some 1 minuters that were much more vivid than real life.

I find that the vividness depends on a few things, your dream recall, your level of lucidity, and the dream itself (this can be changed).

I think it was my 2. LD where i found myself in a park, i dont think you ever can imagine what it was like. The flowers, the details, i even zoomed in on things with my eyes, everything was so detailed and perfect… To be perfectly honest i never thought i would see something as that beautiful in a LD, and don’t just take my word for it. You must TRY it!. Its awesome, and BTW, i took 40MG of Vitamin B6 that night.

Yes. You will feel the weight of it, feel the texture, temperature, smell the air, hear the birds, hear the wind blowing on the field and so on… If you for example make a snow ball, then you will even feel how freezing cold it is.
Senses for me is as vivid as real life.