Increase in Normal Dream Perception

Before I can just jump right in to having LDs, I believe that I should work on improving the skills that are necessary to having LDs. The skill that this site says should be improved is DR. That’s were most LDers start. Creating a DJ, writing in it as early and often as possible, and remembering so many interesting dreams. I’ve worked on this, and I’ve seen improvement. But I’ve seen unexpected improvement in actually being inside a dream! For the first time this week, I’ve actually been able to remember how I was being in the dream! Let me elaborate.

The dreams written about in the first few pages of my DJ were just NDs. They weren’t intensely vivid, but they weren’t blurry or foggy either. I remember what happened in these dreams, but I don’t remember me being in them; that’s a bit confusing. I knew the situtations of my dreams, who was there, and the settings. But I didn’t know these things until after I woke up. It was like suddenly getting a memory of something you did not actually do. Like a library book that I did not read, but knew all the details when I returned the book.

Maybe it will make more sense if I describe the sensations I’ve had recently.

Last night, and the night before, I remember being IN the dream with such vividness. I wasn’t lucid, but I just know that I was there… I actually remember my body being in a dream auditorium last night, I remember the way I turned my head to make eye contact with a DC, and I remember how it felt like I was living IRL (except for a few minor differences). The reason why I KNOW this wasn’t lucid was because I never actually knew it was a dream. But it just had such a realness to it, I can imagine that my perception in that dream is similar to how the perception of an LD is.

Is this vividness two days in a row a strong sign? Is there any way to increase vividness, or is it just something like DR where, with intention and time, it increases?

I think it’s like DR. Mine worked that way to but it wasnt that I wasnt IN my dreams before it was that they looked so fake, It was like a cartoon. Now its as vivid as real life and sometimes it almost seems more real. I dont know how to discribe it because I can tell the image is a dream when I look back on it but It still has alot more detail than if I saw it i reall life. I think that it is a good sighn, but I’m not sure I’ve only had one LD on acedent that lasted about three seconds. I’d say your doing good though.

Maybe the answer to the question if it is indeed that you are more there in the dream or remember more that you were there is impossible to answer. But I believe that when you feel yourself in the dream at the time is a higher consciousness. The same can be experienced in real life and is just a matter of awareness. you walk lost in thought and just move automatically and suddenly you realise that you are where you are at that time. I’d say you are close to being lucid in those dreams because you have the nessecary level of consciousness. The next thing you need is the critical awareness. Wich is to ask yourself if you are dreaming. I see no reason for you to stay at only dream recall practise.

Wow, this was exactly the answer I was looking for! I have been wondering about how I could realize false details in dreams, (like “Hmm, since when did my mom cut all her hair off?”) But I never became lucid after thinking such thoughts while engaged in the dream. Thanks for the helpful advice :handshake: , you saved me the trouble of writing a new thread :user: which would have been pretty close to the content of the OPs! :wave:

I have been having the longest dryspell. I have been moping on threads for a while… I have good vivid dreams and can record them with ease. Around last winter I had 4 LD’s which where pretty good, they where all DILD’s. But when ever I try WILD I can’t sleep. The WBTB method works okay for me but is bad for my health around school. I feel like such a zombie…even in my dreams. And even though I have been doing a gazillion RC’s everyday and eating weird foods and having the conent in interest and eagerness to have them, and trying to stay happy about it…I feel lost know…like I was not meant to ever have a LD. bye :sad:

I’m happy to have made a difference. I’d return the handshaky thing you made there but I don’t know how to make them and don’t wanna learn. Mentally it’s there though.