hi i wondered what incubating means ?
Incubating dreams means that before you go to sleep, you determine what to dream about. There are many techniques for this.
I managed to find the thread.
I’m working on kinda my own technique for inducing LDs. And it involves incubating dreams about a predetermined dreamsign. Mine will be a dreamscape, this special little spot in the rainforest. Could someone explain some techniques for incubating a dream?
lol, this was never mend to be a topic i wanted a while ago to post a reply on another topic, but by exedent i made this topic instead of a reply to the other topic.
Oh well its here and somebody could still answer it.
ok this is just s small note. I have never been able 2 induce what i dream about. i have gotten close but never actally done it. But as far as i am aware u think about it heaps b 4 sleep. maybe it didnt work cause i had the wrong techquine but this the way i have been told on how 2 do it.