Yesterday I started keeping a dream journal, to my surprise I remembered atleast 3 dreams everynight. But that’s not what I was writing for. The reason is: In every single dream I see everything in very bright colors, environment, people etc. Now there’s a color that are in every dream, wich is black.
In every dream strange things happen, but I can’t trigger them in to beeing aware of the dream. This black color is in every strange thing. So can I use this color to trigger a lucid dream? and how do I do it?
If black is a prominent colour in your dreams you could certainly use it to induce lucid dreams. All you have to do is a reality check whenever you see prominent black irl.
For instance, at some point of the day you notice the black screen of your pc. Your mind says it’s time to do a reality check: check your digital watch, look away for a second and then look back at it. Has the time changed? If not, check again to be certain you’re not dreaming. The reason why this could help you to become lucid is that in dreams there are other rules than in waking life, and we can use these different rules to see if we’re dreaming or not. In dreams, the digital numbers on your watch will almost certainly change if you look at them the 2nd time.
There are many other possibilities you can do as a RC: jump into the air and if you notice gravity is not working as it should be, you’re probably dreaming. There’s a special topic about RCs in the “Quest for Lucidity” thread so check it out 
When you do a RC everytime you see “black” until it has become a habit you’ll do this too in your dreams. But then you’ll notice the numbers of your watch are changing and you’ll conclude you’re dreaming.
Good luck with it!
Thanks for this reply.
I didn’t make so much notice of RC’s with colors, but sure I will give it a try.
I’ve read once that each color has a distinct meaning in dreams. For example, I think that red means either hate or love. I’m not sure what black is though.
usually the best interpretation for things in your dream is what those particular things mean to you specifically. but, this is what the online interpretation for black is:
black has a positive meaning of power and a negatave meaning of death or mourning. Examine the other symbols in your dream to see where the color fits in.
I don’t think colors have to have meanings in dreams. Some people just dream very vividly in color, I always have. But I do agree that if the color black jumps out of you for some reason, that would be a great time for reality checks. I recently had a successful LD using a reality check, and it was quite exciting. I have a lot of LD’s naturally, but I don’t often have control… for some reason using the reality check gave me control. Good Luck!
The RC idea is really good, or you could just chant 'Whenever I see a black color I will do a RC." Before you go to sleep.
Also, search for Black you could find some interesting interpretations there. Good luck!