For some time I have been interested in LDing and today I have come across this forum so I was compelled to come and be a part of the community for aid in my journey
I have not yet had a LD but I have had some pretty weird things go on in my sleeping process that I know for a fact is related to my recent non-stop asking myself “am I dreaming? am I awake?” type stuff.
First I’d just like to say that I have been keeping a dream journal and as soon as I wake up I try to recall as much as I can, which is a pretty decent amount… however the dream itself just seems like a memory(very VIVID memorys, if you will) to me once I’m awake, it’s like it was a flash in my mind that didn’t last very long at all. Now I suppose my question is that once I’ve learned to become LD, do these dreams seem to stretch out more and just become more real? Because even though my dreams are very vidid, it’s just hard for me to comprehend what I’d even do with dream-consciousness if achieved since my dreams seem so short and just a flash.
Secondly, my sleep schedule is very inconsistent… I just turned 18 and I’m kind of taking it easy until I start my college soon so I have lots of time to cut free… some times I’ll go to bed at 11 and wake up at 7, some times I’ll stay up till 4AM playing games or something and not wake up till 1-2PM the next day. How much can a inconsistent sleep schedule affect my LDing? I also love energy drinks and drink those a lot too hehe, maybe part of the inconsistent schedule.
Now, on to my experience! It was not a LD but it was interesting and I hope that some of you will be able to fill me in! Basically I decided to use the CILD method last night, so I relaxed myself and got everything ready for bed and just layed down, I then began to execute CILD for my first time, not even knowing how to do it correctly or anything like that. My eyes rolled up and were twitching lightly as I focused on my ‘third eye’, I then slowly closed my eyes while doing this… after a couple of minutes my eyes would twitch uncontrollably and completely involuntary and before I knew it I was completely relaxed seeing the most surreal images and pictures almost crystal clear as if it was right infront of me. I continued seeing just random thoughts from my mind and events in my days as they came into my head… I wish I could explain how clear these things that I saw were, mind you, my eyes doing this twitching thing the entire time regardless of how relaxed I was due to the third eye thing I was suppose to do. Eventually it got to the point where I could feel my pulse rate increase and all kinds of stuff while still feeling completely relaxed… I’d have RC thoughts while all this was going on and telling myself that I was completely awake.
I felt like I was slowly slipping away, I was awake, yet seeing the most vivid things, eyes twitching, heart racing… to be completely honest I felt in kind of a half-awake half-sleep limbo… It’s really weird to me but I just hope you guys can let me know what you think!
and another thing, about 5 or 6 hours later I woke up, at least I THINK I did I could feel, I felt like I was laying down in my bed, however I imagined myself lifting my arms up… my eyes were doing the twitching thing again and I was aware of it and I saw my room in my mind very vividly and I saw my body laying down and my arms as I lifted them… or well I saw my arms raised but I knew that I didn’t raise them… I could feel them in both places and I could see them in the air.
I know it sounds like I’m some crack head or something and this all sounds really weird, but believe that it was really weird when it happened so I apologize if it all sounds crazy and confusing… I just hope some one can fill me in with my questions and strange experience
Thanks and I appreciate it!
This is my first time to these forums and I don’t see much discussion about CILD what I’m talking about is ‘Chakra Induced Lucid Dream’ which is where you try to focus on the third eye thingy. I don’t know what it’d classify as, maybe WILD and maybe that’s why I felt so awake and asleep at the same time. I feel maybe I was close to a LD, but I just didn’t make it there