interesting NEW method possibly..?

I didnt really think of this as a method until i realized what i was doing was working quite well. I have been attempting WILD in a certain way. when i tried WILD instead of focusing on walking down stairs or counting etc, since those never got me asleep, i would let my thoughts flow normally like i was going to sleep as i always would then if i noticed myself dosing off id try to hold on to my consciousness by visualizing on maybe the stairs or whatever other technique there is. id repeat this process a few times. this never worked cause i could still never fall asleep.

BUT this is what happened whenever i attempted this for a while in the morning…after a bunch of attempts i would just eventually fall asleep normally. I would have one ND and it would end then BAM my consciousness would kick in all by itself while im still asleep. this ALWAYS happened after the first dream was over so all you see now is black. i felt my booy sorta project across my bedroom and id open my dream eyes in my bedroom and be fully lucid. this has worked VERY well for me 3 times already…

so to recap: after about 5-6 hours of sleep, get your mind awake a little bit so u dont fall asleep so quick. lay there and let your thoughts flow normally as if you were just going to sleep but after a while when u feel u are starting to fall asleep grab hold of your thoughts and consciousness. after a little go back to normal thoughts etc until you find yourself asleep…

well what do you think? any comments…? seem plausible?

It does seem plausible, but from your explanation it seems that the goal is to fall asleep, rather to directly enter a lucid dream.

By the way, I like the Louis Pasteur quote in your sig, but you have to give him the credit for it.

yes you DO fall asleep, you dont enter it consciously…but because you keep letting go of your consciousness and getting it back as you fall asleep…the same happens when you finally fall asleep…get it?

I think that sounds good, I feel as though I do something similar. I’ve just practiced lying in bed dozing while staying awake, so that my mind becomes more alert while sleeping, which makes it easier to become Lucid. Same sort of thing, maybe it’s exactly the same.