Interviewing DCs

I don’t know if this has been asked before, but isn’t it a good idea to interview a DC in your LD? Ask him what his favorite movie is and where he lives or anything and then as soon as you wake write it down. Im going to experiment with this my next LD if i remember. Im getting better, i had one lastnight but all i remember is watching a clock and watching the big hand go around it really fast, lol.

I find this also highly interesting, but also very hard (although i get better a it :smile: )
I posted something about this in the lab discussion about controlling DCs speech so i´ll just quote myself here (bad thing, i know :razz: )

i have never talked to them really because for me they feel like real people…of course i know they are not. like i would never talk to a stranger on the street. (i know it sounds crazy :smile: ). they dont seem to want to reveal their identity :happy:

That was a interesting LD. I think you should do it again in a LD and give me more results, i found that interesting. In acouple of my LDs DCs bother me and in one i said “Go fly you are in a LD.” lol, and then i killed him when he was walking away. I should of asked him his name and where he lived.

Nice idea. I’m thinking about doing this in my next LD plus LD s yougamer

There is experiment, that basis that topic. It’s called “Testing realness of DC’s”, and it’s based on interviewing them. Links:Part One,Part Two,Part Three. There was a lot of diffrent questions, that was asked by lucid dreamers to DC’s.

Most of times they act stupid or odd.

Maybe this is some code I don’t know… or not :razz: But sometimes DC’s acts pretty logically (mostly spirit guidies).

In most of times when I am talking with DC’s they don’t act too inteligent. But I met few exeptions (propably-fake-but-not-sure-SG, few random DC’s).

LD’s me? Huh?

Anyways ive had about 4 LDs in the past 2 weeks! Hurray! Im gonna celebrate by interviewing a monster in my next LD, i am going to ask him “Why do you want to kill me?”

LOL, good luck with that one :tongue:

In the two small LDs that I’ve had, I managed to remember to ask the DCs if they knew it was all a dream. They both responded cockily, “Of course,” or something like that… It just really seemed as though they thought they were better than me. I sure hope I get more LDs soon… :sad: