NEVER trust spongebob-sqarepants I mader that mistake 2 days ago, he stuffed me in a teleporter and sent me to this underground alien city . when I got there a little alien dude
pointed his SMG gun at me and called security I grabbed his gun and shot him but would not die then there was a big gun fight but no one got even a scratch, not even me. why do guns never hurt in me lucid dreams, got any ideas?
they’ve hurt me before… it all depends i guess on whether or not you expect them to hurt. LD’s almost always follow your expectations, whether you know it or not. even the slightest expectations and doubts can change the course of your dream
LOL! What did Spongebob tell you before he send you in this teleporter?
Anyway, it’s possible to destroy a lot of people in LD’s. I did it. I was allmighty cause I was the Death itself.
So I completely agree with CCHawk: “expectations and doubts can change the course of your dream”.
Being shot by a gun has can have 2 outcomes for me… Either i die in the dream or the dream fades and i wake up.
heh… its all in ur head!! try to fight like quAke style if u get hit and die respawn… i had exp some1 shot me in LD and i fell on ground and died alla went black i travlled another LD