involuntary dream movement in lucid dreams

In quite a few of my lucid dreams I have problems around involuntary movement.

In some dreams I am running and can’t stop. In some dreams I get pulled backwards. In some dreams I get pulled forwards!

In one dream I was going down some stairs and I wanted to stop, but my dream body kept going. I tried to hold onto the bannister, but got pulled away from it. :cool_laugh:

Oliver Fox blamed ‘astral currents’.

Does this happen in your LD s? Have you found a way to control it?

I sometimes get stuck spinning.

A lot of people get stuck falling (when they should be flying.)

What it takes is strong will power and belief. If you fear you’ll never escape the current, you won’t.

I agree beliefs affect our LDs. But this involuntary movement was a surprise. I believed I could move around normally.

I read something recently that maybe movement will follow your focus of attention. So if you are looking at something you will move towards it.

Solution may be to look straight down at the ground, and then I will stay still. I’ll try and test this next time I have an LD and get pulled around. :smile:

I had forgotten about this topic, but I have had more LDs with “astral currents”.

In one I sat down to try and meditate in the LD. I got into lotus position, then the forces started moving me around.

In one LD, I got moved into a wall. In another I got moved into a stack of boxes. In a third I went right through a dream dog. In all cases the expected collision woke me up.

So far I haven’t seen this issue in other DJs.

lol, sounds like it was a cartoon… :content:

anyway, that is really weird… I’ve never had that problem…

another person said they couldn’t walk in a dream(don’t remember if they said it was LD or ND)

Sounds interesting, you could try shouting stop really loud. I heard that helps for some people