This might be a stupid post, but I was thinking about where I live, and I was seeing alot of synchronisety in it. OK… I was raised in a little town called Tyro, N.C. the word Tyro means beggining, or novice. I moved to Enid O.K., now check this out… Lets brake down the word Enid…
Garden of Ened
If you rearange the letters you come up with “I End” Tyro beggining, Enid end
The word Die is in it
The next word in the dictionary after Enid is…Enigma
There are other coinsidenses with this allso, but basicaly I see the synchroniesty playing a part in this whole end of the world thing thats going on. Now if this post dosnt make a lick of sence tell me. Am I the only one who sees things like this, or do I need to get a life?
this is nothing against you at all, it is just a coincidance of how the towns were named and where it happened to fall in the dicitonary.
i grew up in new concord and now i’m moving to athens. this doesn’t have the same meaning as your towns, but it is the same thing, only it doesn’t need to me
and i didn’t mean to come off like a dick when i said get a life. after i read that i thought to myself ‘uhh thats definately not what i meant’. apologies!
Don’t worry about the end thing though, its too far of a stretch and it may just be that way because you want it to be and are looking too deeply into it.
For nearly the last year now the amount of coincidences that have occured in my life are ridiculous, I no longer believe in coincidence at all. Sure is convenient though
when you look this deeply you are introduced to yourself.
it has meaning but it is subjective too… for instance you have a fixation upon the end of things, apparently, and you are seeing this and looking for it.
it’s kind of like probing a mirror, any conclusion you can come to with synchronicity will be about yourself, so synchronicities kind of show you to yourself.
does it have anything to do with end? End of what? Why end of world?
and to me Garden of Enid is nowhere close enough to Eden to qualify as being a proper synchronicity…
Exactly. You can find evidence anywhere you look for it. There are many more non-coincidences than coincidences in any situation, but the mind wants to find the coincidences
[color=darkblue]First off I don’t believe in things like this having “meaning”. All I see are varying shades of coincidence in things and to be quite truthful- you really have over analysed that information to come up with that!
All this- re-arranging letters and analysing everything as if it must mean something significant. Why does everything have to have a meaning?
I bet I could take any of the important words in my life such as street names or peoples names and sure enough after enough jumbling and analysing, come up with something that means something to me. I mean, there are only 26 letters in the English alphabet; it’s not really that much a coincidence anyway is it?
This is how fortune tellers work. They pick up scraps of information as they interview you (yes interview) and then cue in their own idea’s- watching your facial expressions the whole time to see if they detect any shock or awe and then play on it! They keep their statements vague and use common themes in people’s life. If you tell them your husband was a builder for example and you look young, then it won’t be long before they start playing on the whole idea of him “dying in a terrible accident”, which lets face it, could mean anything!
They may even say a name (a common one) such as John or David and then we find out that, that was one of the guys working with him at the time of the accident- it may even have been his name (as long as the fortune teller gets some connection it’s fine) If they don’t they say- “oh sorry, he’s leaving me” or “It’s hard to make it out”. They may then say the first letter such as “M” for mark and look for a reaction and we’re meant to be surprised when they finally get one!?
Secretly, they know how much people want answers to things that it is impossible to get answers for, perhaps working on the same basis as many religions. They promise to be able to do things that we can never prove them right or wrong for like talking to people beyond the grave. Could we really prove they weren’t doing it? Of course not. That is the beauty of it… [/color]