everytime i tend to ask a dc if he/she knows this is a dream, or something along those lines, i get really odd looks and then i lose lucidity. it’s happen to me for sure two times but possible more because my memory is not in top condition.
and the odd looks aren’t just confused looks, as if they don’t understand what i’m talking about, they are looks as if they know something deep that they aren’t willing to or can’t tell me
has anyone every experienced something similar to this or know what i’m talking about?
i also found it extremely odd that i lose lucidity when i question my dcs on dreams.
I wouldn’t expect that a DC can “hide” anything from you. It would you hiding something from yourself, so unless you know you have done that in the past I wouldn’t expect anything strange from your DCs. Chances are that when you question your DCs you lose lucidity because you are thinking to much and not acting enough. I know that in the past I have had problems with not acting enough and losing lucidity. However, there are times where you might get to a state where you can only think, and that is the dream, you don’t have to worry about acting. Good luck getting there though… As far as my own experiences go, I can only remember one specific situation where I was talking with a DC, and let them talk too long, and lost lucidity. However, in my second or third lucid dream, I remember a similar situation where I tried to explain to someone that I was dreaming, and she said, “wait, that means that…” and I lost lucidity. Maybe it is more common than I thought… I still doubt it is a DC “hiding” something, though.