Basically, people send themselves to an early death, and yet they do not want to die. People drink a slow acting poison to have fun. People drive around in metal things that emit poisonous fumes and sometimes set on fire. People put white sticks full of poisonous things into their mouths, set fire to them and inhale the things that are bad for them. People slowly kill themselves and do not want to die. I think this is a sign of insanity, does anyone else agree?
I don’t think people don’t want to die, Hebrew. I think they a scared of death’s uncertianty. If you ask people seriously, “Would you like to live forever?” I think the majority of the population would awnser no. I think we all realize life would wear us down after 700 years.
fine. People do not want to die SOON yet they work themselves to an early grave. Is that any better?
Well, yes, this is definatly a contradiction between wants(to live long) and actions(destructive behavior), but I don’t think it is insanity.
Haha, I think it’s just Darwin knocking on their back door
Nobody lives forever. No matter what measures you take to ensure your well being, you are still prolonging the inevitable. Personally I believe that you are entitled to use your precious however you want…
i’m not sure we can entirely blame people… this is an issue of society.
one angle, and an angle from the pessimist me that needs a good talking to and revamping… is that when you live in a consumeristic society with no morals or higher sense of altruism… people in the end are just simply exploitations of product.
results of the momentum of the movement of money.
therefore, people in the business of making money, are in the business not of doing any other than making money. doesn’t matter if it’s OREOS or cigarettes, they need to church a profit, they aren’t passionate about making a quality entheogenic tobacco smoke to be used as a sacred sacrament.
they want your cash, they want you addicted, and well, if you die in the process… hmm… unfortunate.
or the oreo makers, they aren’t after a great quality cookie… do the people working in the factories care about cookies at all? They are probably absolutely sick of seeing cookies constantly everywhere!
exceptions absolutely… plenty of them though.
but the bottom line is there is very little soul interaction in this society (defined as emotion/caring/metaphysical connection to other humans). our “individualism” has left us alone, stratified, and manipulated… and we do not know how to free ourselves.
everything right down to television viewing creates a schism between people and their bodies, people and their minds, people and their own families… it as if we are beginning initiation into the matrix.
people are self destructive, then, because on the whole, no one cares about their wellbeing. the guy who just passed you didn’t think “I love this car in front of me, I wish him well as I pass him, and hope that I do not inconveniance him. I hope he gets to his destination on time”
we don’t CARE… maybe the guy who just passed you flipped you off, called you a profanity, and though he wouldn’t want you dead, he does not care about your life much at all. yet paradoxically this uncaring is an illusion… it is a lie. if this person witnessed some sort of accident they would likely have their compassoin strings tugged upon and do what they could to intervene and save…
and yet, because of our gawking tv mentality… how many of us there are… “someone else will do it” you’re more likely to get help if there is one person witnessing something than 100… and this is very… tricky and problematic.
on the whole though, we are all capable of being rational, it’s just that it is disarmed.
we are encouraged to be unhealhty, most of our idols and icons are rather suicidal… Homer Simpson… drugged out rock stars… lying and corrupt politicians… war “heros” … often times completely broken men, unfortunately bearing witness to unspeakable horrors… but we emulate the cold and emotionless robot soldier…
heaven forbid the loving and compassionate soldier, eh? the one who has feelings? well lookey at the tv… SIR YES SIR… cold calculated formulaic masculinity at its best/worst… and we’re like “yeah that guys awesome… I’m gonna be like him and not care about humans!”
(sorry to anyone who knows soldiers or has affiliatoins to them… I do too… I have a friend in Iraq and a grandfather that went to Vietnam, I’m not blindly hating).
and you know so you’re a college kid, time to drink every single day… gotta emulate all the classic college movies and pretend you’re one of the immortal partiers… terrible hangover… blacking out… vomiting blood? that makes you cool! cool man… cool… push through the self destruction… you’re earning cool points.
gotta wear those hip pre-shredded jeans , eh?
this society is a very interesting hodgepodge of things… few of them sincere.
fortunately it will not be so insane forever, we are in the backlashes of extreme advancement in technology, and extreme abundance… and with abundance comes foolish use… but we’ll see some sort of new era soon, a reflection of what came before.
unfortunately, who knows how this new era will manifest…
“we live like penguins in the desert.
why can’t we live like tribes?”
I see your point there. Then again, people are beng more insensitive by the day. I remember i was doing something that could prevent a huge accident, and i asked someone for some help. He just gave me the finger, laughed at me and drove away! i thought he was listening the whole time! Hardly anyone gives a crap about people today, and i think we should do something about it. However, if they don’t care, why should we care? lets just wait until they get into a big accident, and lets see just how much help THEY get. Oh erm… back on topic, i think anyone sane would help people, not slowly kill themselgves just to look good, or be “cool”. If passing out and vomiting all over yourself is cool, count me out. If having underage sex and breaking laws and killing people is cool, then what sort of world do we live in? In my eyes, someone “cool” is an idiot, a mass produced member of society that doesnt give a shit about anyone or anything. That, in my eyes, is not cool.
I once read a book called The Four Agreements, there was a place where the author talked briefly about who smoke, drink, and other things. He said when people hate or don’t like themselves they find ways to hurt themselves. Maybe the world isn’t insane, it simply has selfesteem issues. I often wonder myself why people drive in cars that live in the city when the mass transit system would be less costly, less stressful, and beneficial for the environment. They like the pride and confidence that comes from owning a car and being able to go anywhere, if they were content they wouldn’t need all this stuff. So clearly there deep psychological and emotional reason for all of this, perhaps subconsciously were all suicidal but too afraid to do it the quick way, so we take it nice and slow…
hold up there!
If you don’t care, they WON’T care, it is IMPOSSIBLE. If you DO care it will impact them, minorly, majorly, mediumly.
“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
If you have a compassionate spirit, but refuse to use it because you think just because people are idiots, they don’t deserve it… then what? That’s why Jesus said to love your enemy and turn your other cheek.
If some dude looks like he needs help with something, and then when you approach him he flips you off and yells at you, you just smile and say “have a good day then” and you don’t let it discourage you.
It’s kind of like karma in motion. We have patterns that we follow every day, as conditioned beings, that put is in the same environments over and over again… and just as if we were dropping seeds everywhere we went… our emotional state and our actions impact the energy of our environment. So we can plant nasty icky weeds (not the kind you can smoke ) everywhere we go, and leave a big trail of hate… or we can plant love everywhere we go. Now if we do the love thing, it drives the denser idiotic energies away, because first of all, it will change some people for the better, and they will change others for the better, and your love will dissipate… and second of all, it will make you more likely to run into people who are similar than you, rather than different.
but, what did you do in that situation… trying to prevent an accident? I would be curious to hear more.
underage sex is a weird thing to lump with murder… what is evil about underage sex? It may not be wise, but in actuality our society isn’t adjusted properly for teenagers… biologically they are ready to parent and procreate at a very young age, and their instincts are telling them to do so. However we won’t hear such a thing and strictly demand them to wait until they are already at the plateau and getting ready for the decline.
sex is on the mind when sex becomes a possibility. we need to realize this and work at it. Should young kids have sex? No, I dare say not… but is there a lot we could do to curb the damage? Yeah… educate them very early about contraceptives for one.
I don’t necessarily think society should restratify itself to be more centered around the biological sexual peak though… but it is interesting that in most states age of consent is well under 18, in some states 14… in many 16.
to the other poster I’m not sure if all people that smoke hate themselves. Marijuana in particular has spiritual benefits (ask the rastafarians for instance). THC has been shown to kill tumors in fact, and though obviously it has carcinogens and is bad for the lungs, a new study claims that it does not cause any form of lung cancer, possibly due to the medical properties of THC itself. [my experience is the smoke depletes your energy over time and is not good for you at all though]
I daresay if alcohol [possibly tobacco too] were illegal, and cannabis the legal drug of choice, this world’s “rambunctious” partying teenagers would be a lot more chilled out and peaceful. but yeah
most drugs on the whole tend to be harmful but there are the spiritual exceptions, unfortunately our loopy society has the deadly and addictive drugs legal, and the spiritual ones strictly forbidden, even declaring so boldly and arrogantly that they have no medicinal value by placing them in schedule I… when every single bit of evidence says “nope, that’s not true”
interesting stuff. i could go on a tangent about this and how it relates to wanting people to be consumers, and not wanting people to be free or happy…
Surely you’re not suggesting anything spiritual about heroin…in any case my personal belief about drugs is that they should all be legal, it is my body and if I choose to destroy it, it is my business. I don’t even necessarily believe drugs are always bad, after all God made the marijuana leaf when he created the vegetation of the earth, he made grapes and the process of fermentation that leads to alcohol. It is not the substances themselves that are harmful or evil in anyway, in fact they have many uses, some medical, and even as you said some spiritual. The problem is that these substances are abused, and people become more dependant on them than on God or on themselves, and in the process they destroy their physical, and even spiritual/emotional lives.
Let me remember all of you that exhortation to drugs, drug use or pretty much any kind of drug discussion is forbidden by the forum rules. So I’d like to ask you guys to find a different reasoning to prove your points.
Just to clarify: saying drugs are good is prohibited. Saying drugs are bad is also prohibited because it would be otherwise unfair. There are plenty of other points of view from which you can look to reply to this topic.
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Consider these guidelines also valid in this topic.
peple dont want to die, they just dont think that its poison, and one more couldnt hurt
Lets not forget dieting. Many forms of diets are just ways of eating less and starving the body disguised as “healthy eating” - best form of diet is eat when you need to and excersise it off.
But then like the old saying goes: Good health is the slowest rate at which you die.
I do not agree. I think life would be pretty damn bland if we did not take some risks with our life. I will rather have some fun and excitement in my life even if it does mean a shorter life. I think alot of people would get into a depression if we took away such activities and being depressed aint healthy either.
I doubt that many people find that cool. Is a thing that most people do as a mistake and then learn from that mistake. I myself had one such accident but has since enjoyed drinking without getting to that level. There is actually something called drinking in moderation, which work rather well for me. Also studies have shown that taking a occasionally drink, might actually have some health benefits.
I mainly do it because it is fun and it is kind of a relief/break from the normal days… I have never ever gotten drunk because i thought it made me look cool.
I do not believe in either God or spirituality, but i do think that some drugs have their benefits. I also believe i should be able to ingest a drug without breaking the law, as long as it does not directly hurt the people around me. No one else would be hurt if i for example smoked some weed in my own home. I think there should be some restrictions though… Drugs should not be readily avaliable for the underages and some restrictions regarding driving intoxicated or being under influcene of it during the job, since that would also be a threat to the people around me.
Why can people legally risk their life jumping from a plane or a cliff? While i cannot smoke a joint with marijuana, even though the risk is significantly smaller? It makes absolutely no sense to me. It is my body and i do whatever i want with it.
Here in Norway they have actually started adding taxes to food that is “unhealthy” for you. So it seems like we cannot even decide what food to put in our bodies anymore. Do we really want bigbrother controlling our own life to this extent?