I started the quest for lucidity in mid summer. I only had one LD, but I think that was a big accomplishment for me. But now, school has started. I just cant seem to find time and I’m simply too stressed out to try to even get close to having and LD. Any tips?
Also, did any of you guys find it hard to have an LD during the school year?
By the way, im 13 years old. Thats why im in school.
I’m stressed out too. The only way I can do this is with a passive approach; I just think about LDs often and do RCs a bit… on the weekends I can take a semi-active approach if I don’t have homework… trust me the homework when you’re 13 is nothing compared to when you’re in high school…
Just wake up a few minutes earlier than you have to be to record your dreams and then its just a few seconds here and there through out the day for rcs or any other tech you plan on using.
Well, I started learning to LD during the school year (It’s only a week till the term 3 holidays. Whee!) I’ve had 2 lucid dreams since I started. One on a school morning, nonetheless.
It’s quite easy to do, but you have to be brief with your journal in the morning. As much as I love to write 2-3 pages per dream, I usually stick to a core paragraph or two during the week. Detail is for weekends.
I have the same problem now that college has started…
I usually have to get up at 5.30am and am usually home around 6.30pm. sobs By that time… I’m so tired, once I go to bed at night I fall straight asleep. In the morning, at five-frigging-thirty, I can’t even SEE straight… let alone write…
The way to have LD’s, in my theory, is to NOT be sleep deprived. And this is HARD during the school year. Not so much for the dream journal (actually, with my new morning schedule, I COULD write my dreams down if I really wanted to…gah!), but mainly for the actual lucidity. It’s not that you CAN’T have LD’s when sleep deprived, but the more deprived you are the harder it is to have LD’s (for me, at least).
That aside, the key to LDing is simple dedication. During the school day, I normally forget to RC, thus limiting my chance of LDing (or so I think…)
The most definite way to have LD’s during schooling is WILD, and WILD is hard as hell (for me, at least…but that’s a whole nother topic, which I will open at some point ).
LD’s tend to sneak up on you, often when you don’t suspect it or when you haven’t been trying to induce them (again, for me, at least).
I hear ya. During the summer i started the creative sleep program.(i wasnt very satisfied, had only like 1 dream) and it kinda snuk up on me. I didnt even try any of the RCs or anything that day.