Is this just daydreaming? Or is it lucid?

A few months, maybe a year ago I first heard about lucid dreaming. I just got back into reading about it, and after a bit of browsing through the forums here (about 2 hours), it suddenly hit me! How could I have been so stupid? I’ve lucid dreamed before and I only just put two and two together! I mean, I had occasionally realized I was dreaming and woken up, but that doesn’t really count. What I’m talking about is what I assume would fall under WILD; the ability to focus on something and dream it. However I may be wrong so let me give you an example.

I used to realize that when you fell in dreams your body would sort of “jerk” or twitch to simulate you hitting the ground, and you would wake up. I realized that when I was lying in bed, I could trick my body into twitching by becoming half asleep and half awake and picturing myself falling. I would dream it and it would work and cause involuntary reaction. I could also stare at the lines in the paint in my wall (where it’s uneven) and imagine I was on a rollercoaster and the same thing would happen. Is this lucid dreaming? Thanks.

I would have to know more about what you actually experience. It sounds as though you may well have entered a deep trance and entered into the hypngia (a state between your waking state and dreaming). I do not know if you got beyond that or not.

Were you able to move around and interact with your environment?

Lucid dreaming is a state where you realize that you are dreaming AND understand what that means (mainly that you can alter the dream in some way).

Even if you did not have a lucid dream you were at least very close to it so I would say you are on the right track.

Hmm, I guess I was controlling, but it wasnt really a place, it was more just mental images being projected, and the feeling that I was drifting into sleep, so I guess I wasn’t all the way there. Oh well :happy:

Sounds more like HI to me.

Most lucid dreams in my case seem nearly as real as waking state… The vision is crystal clear like waking life and all other senses work perfectly, so it look and feels like i am in a real world, but i know that it is all in my head.

About that jerking of the body!
i think it is called a spasm?! at least that’s what we call it in portugal “espasmos”! it’s kind of an electric explosion that make you shake you’re whole body or a leg or a finger!
i believe that it has to do with contradictory thoughts! at least that’s what happens with me! when i’m thinking about certain things which are conflictive for me i have one of those! the dream(pre-dream) of falling with the spasm waking you up i’ve heard it has something to do with you’re insecurities!
yeah, from what they told me (here) you’re playing with WILD!
i’ve been doing that a lot, but it’s very hard to do, my subconscious always kicks me out of the dream! i think i have a lot of work to do, to go deeper…
sory for only using ! and … i’m not very expressive in my writting!


Don’t be too disappointed as you were almost there. Don’t give up, it just takes some practice. You should check out the big WILD topic and other WILD threads. It sounds to me like you might have a talent for it.

Wow thanks for all your help! I’ll try some of that WILD stuff out later :happy:

Interesting point of view, Phatidico ! I wonder if it could be easily verified ? :confused: You have to be very aware of your thoughts, specially when you begin to sleep. I thought it happend because your body lost its sensations and it was interpreted by the brain as a fall.
I saw on some scientific pages that it’s called “hypnagogic jerk”. They don’t give any explanation for it. :sad: