Is this sleep paralysis?

Around 7.30am, while I was sleeping, I was woken by some noisy birds outside. So I fell back to sleep after awhile and kept having FA of going to the window to take a gun and fire at them. So during one of my awakenings, I honestly dunno whether FA or not since I had like 5 of them, but I told myself that the next time I wake, I’ll do a RC. And I did and became lucid.

However, my dream faded to black as I tried to jump out of the window to fly, and I tired stablising the dream by spinning, rubbing my hands, but eventually I woke… or something like that. Cause I could see that my eyes were half closed, and I had some hallucinations of damage counters from com games in the upper half of my eyes, which was my eyelids since my eyes were half closed. The background was also abit blur. I also couldn’t move.

But after 5secs or around there, I sorta blinked, and my eyes opened fully, I could move again, and the background was exactly the same as it was just clearer.

Was that SP, or was it a dream? Anyone can confirm from personal experience?

yes looks like SP to me. I had a similar experience, i had my real eyes open but i couldnt move at all, i saw and heard things that later disappeared when i returned to waking state.

Agreed, it was SP, the unability to move, the impression of having your eyes open and the realism of the hallucinations is specific to it. :content:

i have a question about SP:

your eyes are closed during it?? i thought they were open…

so basically you think you see the room your sleeping in but in fact your eyes are closed and its all a halluncination? if thats the case then isnt it just a dream that ur lying in bed and cant move? what makes it different? can u turn that into an LD?

It sounds like you may have gone from ½ sleep (which can be very disorientating) then slipped into full REM sleep. It is possible you might have experienced SP but I am not really sure. The reason I am skeptical is that when you really hit SP you will know it, you won’t have to ask.

I said my eyes were half closed. It is not easy to keep them fully open during SP. At least not always.

And yes, I remember reading you can turn it into a LD. WILD is based on getting to this stage too. From here, just close your eyes and stay conscious.

But that was my first, so i wanted to “enjoy” it. That’s why I didn’t go into LD, since I just woke from one. :content:

so why is SP so dreaded if you can just close ur eyes and have an LD ?? ? ?/? ?

It is not that easy… SP is very confusing, you can be really sue that all you see is real when you’re in fact dreaming. It is even more true when it happens to you the first time, you can not compare SP to any other experience…

About the eyes thing, i’m pretty sure that they are actually closed and that everything that takes place during SP is a very realistic dream.
Though you are semi-awake, the paralysis that you feel is real, but what you see or hear beyond that isn’t…

But I agree with Milod, Although there are different levels of intensity, when you’ll experience SP, you will know it for sure.

I honestly dunno y SP is so dreaded. I personally enjoyed the one I had. I think people are fearful of the Old Hag Syndrome rather than the SP itself

in the SPs episodes i had i couldnt close my eyes. they were stuck open.

haha o well then that sucks. ive only had SP once and it was when i was much younger. It happened by accident but i remember i was really scared. I had no idea what it was back then. I anticipate getting it sooner or later now so maybe it wont be scary cause ill know whats goin on. If you tell urself you having sp and it will be over soon that should prevent any fear or scary hallucinations right??

I think if you don’t want to be afraid, just enjoy it. :happy: Especially the hallucinations! :content:

I never experiences SP. whats it like?

I had my first SP around a year ago. The funny thing about it is that I never had SP in my whole entire life. I started to read about it one day on the internet. Strange enough on that night when i went to sleep it happaned. When i first experienced it I thought i was getting possessed, my eyes were open at first and i could see the contents of my room. I could not move at all. The part that i didn’t like was that my whole body was numb to a very extreme extent. It felt like there was emmense pressure being pushed down upon myself. You know how when you sit on a arm or leg to long you’ll start to feel numb, thats how it felt but throughout my whole body. After that strange experience i started to experience SP 3 to 4 times in a week. After awhile I was able to anticipate when it would happan. All of my SP’s except my first would occur as I reach the state of almost dreaming but right before i actually start to dream I would become concsious , then everything just intensifies and my whole body freezes up.

WOW! :notify: That’ll make you a EXTEREMELY good WILD-er!!

Anyway, if you wanna noe how my SP felt like, read my first post… can’t believe you forgot.

I didn’t forget, i simply… OKAY I FORGOT! Happy now?

haha i honestly never knew that you could enter straight into a lucid dream through SP until reading about it last night. Strange enough I actually had SP last night. I had my last SP around half a year or more ago but just reading about the WILD technique last night i guessi cuased it to unciously happan.

After around 5 hours of sleep i sudddenly became consoiusly aware. My body frooze up and i could feel the vibrations. I listened to the advice of someone to close my eyes relax and just ignore the vibrations and try to imagine myself being projected out of my body. Next thing I knew i was in the dream. The dream was short and i somehow lost control of lucidity and soon woke up. It felt like the dream lasted 5 minutes but it was my first time being lucid going straight into a dream.