I’ve been visiting these forums and this website ever since I was approx. 11 years Old or so.
Today I’m 19, I skipped college today to get more sleep because I worked late last night. I’ve never cared much to remember my dreams or keep track fo it anymore. What was the use… All the hard work would just give me a MILD once every 4 or 5 months. Plus the brief MILD just never made it worth it either.
I’ve never understood the concept of WILD, but some sort of shock, or buzzing that people keep talking about right before they enter WILD.
Anways… as I was taking a nap the usual deep drowsiness comes in and I start to feel the usual sensations of an afternoon nap. A strong sort of weird “buzz” that goes into my ear and throughout all of my body. Usually to me thats the sign that my body is going to be in this sort of sleep paralysis.
I’d usually panic and move around till the buzzing goes away, but this time I decided to lay on my stomach, (not a good idea when sleep paralysis comes.)
So the buzzing hit full blast, and i felt paralyzed, but rather panic and move my arms fast. I decided to move the slowly up. And I felt my arms move up, but I wasn’t sure whether or not my arms were actually moving up. And since I was laying on my Stomach I decided to move them “into” the bed instead forward, so that way I know where my real arm is, and where this seemingly imaginary arm is moving.
And it worked! I knew my arm was still lying on the bed, and it can’t possibly be inside it so I must be entering the dreaming state. I kept moving my arms slowly (the imaginary ones) and this was being done while I’m not seeing anything in the dream. Just feeling it.
Then I started to imagine other things, Like holding a lightsaber and swinging it around though it wasn’t cutting any walls that I was trying to move it to. And my arms throughout the whole time felt freakin heavy.
As I continued to dream occasionally I’d move my feet too fast in the dream and accidently move my real feet. But because I understood how to get back in I got right back in. The whole nap which was from 11Am today to 3 PM right now. Consisted of the first full hour playing around in the dream. Then I got too tired of thinking too much and fell asleep.
Wow, now I understand that important feeling that everyone is talking about. Of that Buzz
Just to share with all of you not to give up. And if you do your dreams will haunt you, and you’ll eventually see it again.
BTW if I have any grammar errors don’t hold me accountable I’m still a little daze and felt like I’ve the best sleep ever.