Which took place somewhat like this:
I wake after about 8h of sleep, and decide to stay in bed, maybe try having a WILD or an OBE or somesuch. I conjure all sorts of weird images that sometimes help me get groovy with the whole vibrations thing. To no avail. I’m clearly too awake and not feeling sleepy at all. As a last attempt, I picture my dream-body suddenly jumping out of bed. (Now, this is what I sometimes do to get lucid, AFTER I’m vibrating. Which I’m not.)
The instant I come up with that image, my eyes start to, yes, flicker, very rapidly, almost convulsively. It’s not a scary feeling, just a weird one. After this has gone on for a while, my body starts to, uh, pulse. It’s a steady beat, like a heartbeat, but I feel it very vividly throughout my body. It’s much quicker than a regular heartbeat as well (though it’s possible that my pulse has quickened very much from the excitement). This isn’t like the vibrations, or at least not like any I’ve had.
This keeps going. I try to go lucid from this state, but nothing happens. I’m feeling totally awake and I’m not paralysed. After a while of the monotonous, unchanging flickering and the weird overall heartbeat, I open my eyes and everything’s normal again. And I sit up and feel a bit funny.
Would be swell if someone’s got a clue as to what’s with the flicker. Cause, well, I kinda dug it.