Ive had two lucid dreams this week...

Ive had lots of OBEs in my life, but I think I like LDs better. Im one of the lucky ones, all I have to do is be intrested in LDs, and I can have them. The LD I had last night. I put my hand through the window, and immediatly took flight, but then I thought…"I dont want to fly, I want to talk to a dream character, so I came back down, and for some reason I just started to walk around, and woke up. I for got to spin. I really do want to talk to someone in a dream. What conversations have you had with your dream characters? Im looking for some Ideas of what I can ask them.

in order to get meaningful results you have to expect that you dream characters posess significant intelligence and MAY be real people… that’s how to have a good conversation for me…

public places are the best… public places that you don’t know why you are there, but you’re there, and you’re lucid in them, like it started out as an ND …

somehow it seems to be in a “dreamscape” conducive to interacting with people, but if you have an FA and are in your house and you try to find people to talk to it just doesn’t seem to go as well, even if you summon up public places to go to.

hm… maybe it has to do with different levels of lucidity.

i’ve been wanting to talk to mine more too… i guess just you know, ask them who they are, ask them what they would like to do, ask them to tell you a story about their lives… ask them a question that you have been trying to find an answer to…

it’s always a good idea to tell them your email address just for the sake of trying to get a shared dream confirmed.

those were good ideas, I will definatley try them, if I can stay lucid long enough. My problem is, I think too much about being lucid, and wake up too soon. I liked your idea about the email.

OBE’'s are same as LD’s (just a special kind so to speak), so its no wonder you have no problem having a ‘normal’ LD.

Yea, I agree with you Xetrov an OBE is a dream. But there are plently of people that are convinced otherwise

Lol don’t tell me about it… in the past 2 months or so i had a kinda nasty discussion on Bruce’s AP forum where I tried to defend my viewpoint… most some could do in reply was accuse me of noobness and become angry.