Join us in a Telepathic Field Experiment

Join us in a Telepathic Field Experiment

An invitation to…
The Design Team of Timeship Earth 2013 (that means you!)

In the years to come, the world in which we live will be transformed. As we approach 2012 and galactic alignment, all of life on Earth is now participating in a most tremendous stage of evolution; the conscious awakening of the noosphere – our larger, planetary consciousness.

In a universe conservatively estimated by NASA to contain some 21,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars, Earth is surely not the first planet to undergo such a transition. Intelligent life from other star systems are fascinated by Earth’s evolutionary progression, and are keen to assist Earth’s entry into the intergalactic community of intelligence.

As part of this ongoing process, highly evolved consciousness originating in the Sirian star system has chosen to participate in a telepathic field test, aimed at helping members of their star family, to awaken into their true roles as custodians and designers of Timeship Earth.

The Task Before Us
A seed of pure love wisdom emanating from the Sirian system has been projected through meditative intent, to our local star, the sun. In order for this seed to be brought to flower, and it’s gifts to be revealed, the Earth requires the active engagement of our mind with the Planetary Holon; the fourth-dimensional structure of Timeship Earth 2013.

1. Locate your place on the Planetary Holon.

First find your kin – the galactic signature present on your birthdate. Your kin will be associated with one of 20 solar seals (indicated by an image/glyph), which determines it’s position in the planetary holon.

[color=darkblue]By feeling into and holding mental resonance with this region on the night of the experiment, we take on the role of reception points for the planetary integration of this galactic mind-transmission.[/color]

2. Let the dreaming begin

On the night leading into Monday August 15, 2005, consider your place on the planetary holon. Use this mental image as an entry point to dreaming. Ask your dreams to express to you the transmission of planetary love emanating from the Sirian star system. Ask your dreams to reveal to you a vision of Timeship Earth’s greater potential.


[b][color=indigo]Monday, August 15, 2005
Magnetic Moon, Day 21

Kin 124: Yellow Resonant Seed
I Channel in order to Target
Inspiring Awareness
I seal the Input of Flowering
With the Resonant tone of Attunement
I am guided by the power of Intelligence[/color][/b]

[size=117]3. Making the unconscious, conscious[/size]

[color=darkred]The real beauty of this experiment will be in the sharing. By communicating the dreams we receive, we open a channel through which the greater dream, in all it’s mystery can begin to reveal itself. Please post your own dreams at the forum, and explore the synchronicities and patterns that unfold. Teams of dreamers from Sea Life, LD4ALL and First Earth Dreaming School, will all be participating in this experiment.[/color]

Good luck!
– Nick

I just had to post Sunwolf’s experience with this project. It’s incredible!

what a marvellous experience :happy:

Yeh It’s an awesome journey isn’t it!

The Dogon people of West Africa maintain a fascinating knowledge about Sirius:

This site provides an interesting synopsis. The dogon’s word for “Sirius B”, what we now know to be a white dwarf star, is “Po Tolo”. “Po” meaning smallest seed. “Tolo” meaning star.


My last post reminded me of something.

A vision I had on the eve of the Blue Rhythmic Night. I was trying to tune into Sirius, that little map I posted int he original post. Suddenly i felt myself out in the stars. A very white cold star. I could almost feel the frost.

That’s it!

My own dreams on this Sirius project, were about creating computer games for children - games, which while very simple, were easy to create. In the dream, i was looking at the design/interface. It seemed kinda like a fun one-player platform game.

I know from earlier dreams, that in the future, I will be doing work with computer games, as a way of encouraging children to explore their mental/psychic abilities, and tune into the power of consciousness.

The games being really just a gateway.

The dream itself was good confirmation of that future path.
