Jump problems

Ok, When I was jumping in my last (and only, for now :content: ) LD, something made me fly back to the point I came from bungy-style. Imagine being tied to a rubberband. The more energy and distance I used, the more i got pushed back.

Anybody else having problems with youre dreams like this? It felt like someone else had written the physics of the dream :cry:

In AP they’d call that Future Wind. In a lucid dream I’m not sure O_o Maybe your sub concious was just messing with you.

Weird things happen often in dreams… In LD’s also sometimes logic is messing up. At first phisic don’t exists in dreams, like everything else. Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to fly :fly: . You propably willed yourself, or you had low lucidicy at that time.

hehe maybe the bungy cord was invisible :happy:

That same thing happened to me in a LD I had a while ago. I took it as a sign that I was doing something I wasn’t ready for, or about find something not meant to be found. Exactly what were you trying to do/ reach?