Just Experianced LD for the First Time, Got a Few Q's

Hello all, i just started to research this subject and im sorry if there are already too many “first time i had a LD” threads, so i will try to give it a purpose by asking some specific questions.

Now i had a breif LD experiance two nights ago, however the interesting thing is that i have never done any research about the subject or gotten into it ever till after. I only heard my room mate talk about it a few months prior to my experiance and we just talked a little bit about how cool it would be to controll your dreams, and it just ended there.

Alright, first off i will let you know i can remember most of my dreams, some of them are very clear. but about 95% of them always have something disturbing happening or something not going right all. Like one dream i had to cut up a body and hide it in small bags, i was getting very nervous and sweaty cause of all the blood everywhere and i knew i would get caught…etc. most of my dreams are kind of like that and I’m glad to wake up from all of them. Teeth falling out is the worst, but i heard its relativly common.

I am pretty sure i LDed 3/4 into my sleep cause i could remember events awhile before i was LD. My LD experiance started in a resturant scene where something kept going wrong as ussual and i was a bit depressed over something i dont remember, I’m not sure what it was but i knew something didnt belong it was then i thought to myself “whoa wait a second… I’m dreaming! Thats why!” Like i mentioned before the thought of becoming lucid didnt even come to mind cause the most i did was briefly think about that concept a few months ago. Anyway after i realized that i was conscious i was worried that i was going to wake up… but i didnt and was suprised to find out that i was still awake inside my dream. So i decided to test it and started to yell “Hey wake up Kevin! Wake up!!” I then started to smile and said: “wow im actually alive inside of my thoughts and im self-aware that i was trying to communicate with my sleeping body” from there the LD faded off. Unfortunatly when i did become Lucid, my surroundings didnt really become clear or vibrant, i guess that will fix itself as i get more experianced. I do realize there is a lot of potential to be had and started to research the subject and this was probabaly the best site i found so far.

Right now i am doing all the steps, im writting down my dreams and am starting to use techniques to try and LD again. The interesting thing is that i found out on the site that pistachios is a food that can help this occur and i recall eating a large amount of it before sleeping, so there may be a connection there. Now im a little skeptical of food actually helping you LD, so my question is this:

What evidence is there that certain food types would help create a LD experiance?

Also im curious if sleep-aid medication would interfere with the LD process. I took some tylenol PM’s last night and i didnt have an LD experiance, even though i was researching the subject all day. But i know that not enough to indicate that the medication has anything to do with it and i probabaly just need more practice, however if medication does interfere i would like to know more about it.

But ya that one little experiance i had made me want to go head long into this subject and i will practice and hone my skills to master the LDing art. To think that i could go on killing sprees at McDonalds would be so increadable, which leads me to asking my final question:

What is it like to have sex with someone in your LD? I’m sure most of you have already tried it, the thing is that I never had sex before (yes im a loser i know). But im curious if you need to have the real thing or not to accurately re-create it in your LD. Well that about covers everything, thanks for your time and cooperation.

Sleeping medication could make you less likely to have a LD. To have a LD you have to have some conciousness, and if you’re in a deep sleep all drugged up and drowsy it makes it less likely.

Some people say sex in a LD feels the same, some say it feels better, some say it feels fake. It varies.

Ah thank you for the reply, i suppose you are right about the medication making me drousy thus altering the all natural organic goodness feel that one should have while in slumber.

Again refering to the sex comment, i guess what my main point i wanted to get accross is do you need to do a certain action in real life first in order to get an accurate reenactment in a LD state? Sense i never really had sex before, would attempting it in my LD turn out poor because i dont have anything to compair the feeling to?

I remember reading up on this site on how the person would turn into an animal and have enhanced senses like that particular animal. But what i wasnt sure of is how one could have the sight/hearing like a wolf without actually experiancing it in realife so you could compair what it actually supposed to feel like. However i dont want to doubt anyone here, you all have much more experiance than me and i look forward to trying this out for myself someday and see what it really is like. Thanks again

What you eat, and medications that you take can affect your dreaming. Anything that affects your dreaming, can incress, or decress your chances of having an LD, and your recall of an LD. From what I have read here, there is nothing that you can eat/take that will make you have an LD. In general, anything that helps your memory, can help with LD’ing because remembering the dream is critical to knowing that you had an LD. :cool:
With sleep-aid medication, it depends on the medication. Some medication for sleep just knocks you out and you may not even dream when you take it. This type of medication is no longer used widely, and only in extrem cases. Most modern sleep medication just helps you relax. That does not necessaraly cause you to not dream, or have LD’s, but it can. You would just have to see if it is a problem with the medication that you take.
Sex, or anything else that you have not done IRL, that you do in a dream is controled by your expectations, and fears. That means that it could be totaly different then IRL, but you would not know the difference until you did it IRL. Sex, like so many other things, is also different from time to time IRL, so it could be very different from time to time in a dream. With things like enhanced senses from animals, no one realy knows what that would be like IRL :tongue: so what they expect is what they get, and that makes them happy. :content: That is one of the reasons that we all want to LD, to get what we want, so don’t worry about if it is just like RL, just enjoy. :grin:

hey thanks for the reply don, i guess i should have guessed as much of what to expect in a ld when attempting something i havent done before in real life.

The cool thing is, is that just 2 nights later (after all the research and what not) i had another LD which lasted a bit longer, and i attempted to try out a few things. I would make a new topic but i dont want to flood the forums with a bunch of “this is what happened in my LD”. basically the night i had it it took a several hours of waking up, writting down the first dream sequence, waking up a few hours later, and writting down the 2nd and 3rd and so on…

in my LD i did a quick RC and i noticed my finger went through my hand and i was like…“alright this is it!” i immeditally told my self to calm down and looked around the room and wanted to see if everything was as vivid as people described before. everything i looked at was really clear, but the surrounding areas was a bit fuzzy till i turned my head and looked at the next object.

I thought about hovering a little but i didnt feel confident that i could, so i didnt try, or atleast made a half hearted attempt without success. The funny thing is that i never seen anyone mention before (but i am new on here) is that it feels so real that i dont think i can do all this crazy stuff because i felt so normal. perhaps i should make a topic on that if i dont get enough replys here. anyway im a starwars fan so i tried to force grab a small bottle of crazy glue off my vcr (the ld took place in my old room) and i actually caught it! after calming down i turned around and force grabed a blank cd and it flew into my hand, i think i actually felt a slight sting between my thumb and index finger cause it went so fast into it. afterwords i wanted to leave the room and enter a new area, i visualized a dessert area and tried to walk through a wall to get there… i couldnt do it. I then wanted to wack off so i grabed a pillow out of no where and imagined an outdoor scene, this time i did walk through the wall but ended up in my bed downstairs! I was fustrated and knew i was awake, i did a RC just out of anger, and to my suprise i was still dreaming! and thought “wow these false awakenings really do feel realistic”. Thats when i finally woke up.

You could start a DD here on LD4all in the Dream Diary fourm. :content: Then you could just write down all the exciting things that happen in your dreams. Then everyone could read them and you wouldn’t have to start new topics all the time. ( moogle also likes it when people have DD’s here. )
As people here keep saying, LD’s are all in your head, so just keep it up. The things that you see in movies can be easyer to do at first, but with practice you should be able to do whatever you want to. :grin: It just depends on you.
Good luck, and happy LD’ing