Hello all, i just started to research this subject and im sorry if there are already too many “first time i had a LD” threads, so i will try to give it a purpose by asking some specific questions.
Now i had a breif LD experiance two nights ago, however the interesting thing is that i have never done any research about the subject or gotten into it ever till after. I only heard my room mate talk about it a few months prior to my experiance and we just talked a little bit about how cool it would be to controll your dreams, and it just ended there.
Alright, first off i will let you know i can remember most of my dreams, some of them are very clear. but about 95% of them always have something disturbing happening or something not going right all. Like one dream i had to cut up a body and hide it in small bags, i was getting very nervous and sweaty cause of all the blood everywhere and i knew i would get caught…etc. most of my dreams are kind of like that and I’m glad to wake up from all of them. Teeth falling out is the worst, but i heard its relativly common.
I am pretty sure i LDed 3/4 into my sleep cause i could remember events awhile before i was LD. My LD experiance started in a resturant scene where something kept going wrong as ussual and i was a bit depressed over something i dont remember, I’m not sure what it was but i knew something didnt belong it was then i thought to myself “whoa wait a second… I’m dreaming! Thats why!” Like i mentioned before the thought of becoming lucid didnt even come to mind cause the most i did was briefly think about that concept a few months ago. Anyway after i realized that i was conscious i was worried that i was going to wake up… but i didnt and was suprised to find out that i was still awake inside my dream. So i decided to test it and started to yell “Hey wake up Kevin! Wake up!!” I then started to smile and said: “wow im actually alive inside of my thoughts and im self-aware that i was trying to communicate with my sleeping body” from there the LD faded off. Unfortunatly when i did become Lucid, my surroundings didnt really become clear or vibrant, i guess that will fix itself as i get more experianced. I do realize there is a lot of potential to be had and started to research the subject and this was probabaly the best site i found so far.
Right now i am doing all the steps, im writting down my dreams and am starting to use techniques to try and LD again. The interesting thing is that i found out on the site that pistachios is a food that can help this occur and i recall eating a large amount of it before sleeping, so there may be a connection there. Now im a little skeptical of food actually helping you LD, so my question is this:
What evidence is there that certain food types would help create a LD experiance?
Also im curious if sleep-aid medication would interfere with the LD process. I took some tylenol PM’s last night and i didnt have an LD experiance, even though i was researching the subject all day. But i know that not enough to indicate that the medication has anything to do with it and i probabaly just need more practice, however if medication does interfere i would like to know more about it.
But ya that one little experiance i had made me want to go head long into this subject and i will practice and hone my skills to master the LDing art. To think that i could go on killing sprees at McDonalds would be so increadable, which leads me to asking my final question:
What is it like to have sex with someone in your LD? I’m sure most of you have already tried it, the thing is that I never had sex before (yes im a loser i know). But im curious if you need to have the real thing or not to accurately re-create it in your LD. Well that about covers everything, thanks for your time and cooperation.